July 6, 2015


پيدائش 28: 10-22

28:10 Meanwhile Jacob, having departed from Beersheba, continued on to Haran.

28:11 And when he had arrived at a certain place, where he would rest after the setting of the sun, he took some of the stones that lay there, and placing them under his head, he slept in the same place.

28:12 And he saw in his sleep: a ladder standing upon the earth, with its top touching heaven, پڻ, the Angels of God ascending and descending by it,

28:13 ۽ رب, leaning upon the ladder, هن کي چيو: “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father, ۽ اسحاق جو خدا. The land, in which you sleep, I will give to you and to your offspring.

28:14 And your offspring will be like the dust of the earth. You will spread abroad to the West, and to the East, and to the North, and to the Meridian. And in you and in your offspring, all the tribes of the earth shall be blessed.

28:15 And I will be your guardian wherever you will journey, and I will bring you back into this land. Neither will I dismiss you, until I have accomplished all that I have said.”

28:16 And when Jacob had awakened from sleep, ھن چيو, ”سچ, the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”

28:17 And being terrified, ھن چيو: “How terrible this place is! This is nothing other than the house of God and the gateway of heaven.”

28:18 تنهن ڪري, جيڪب, arising in the morning, took the stone which he had placed under his head, and he set it up as monument, ان تي تيل وجهڻ.

28:19 And he called the name of the city, ‘Bethel,’ which before was called Luz.

28:20 And then he made a vow, چوڻ: “If God will be with me, and will guard me along the way by which I walk, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear,

28:21 and if I will return prosperously to my father’s house, then the Lord will be my God,

28:22 and this stone, which I have set up as a monument, will be called ‘the House of God.’ And from all the things that you will give to me, I will offer tithes to you.”


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 9: 18-26

9:18 ۽ انهن کي جواب ڏيڻ, ھن چيو: ”اي بي ايمان نسل, مون کي ڪيترو وقت توهان سان گڏ رهڻ گهرجي? مان توکي ڪيستائين برداشت ڪندس? هن کي مون وٽ آڻيو“.
9:19 ۽ اھي کيس کڻي آيا. ۽ جڏهن هن کيس ڏٺو هو, فوري طور تي روح کيس پريشان ڪيو. ۽ زمين تي اڇلايو ويو, هو ڦڦڙن جي چوڌاري ڦرندو رهيو.
9:20 ۽ هن پنهنجي پيءُ کان پڇيو, ”ڪيترن ڏينهن کان هن سان ائين ٿيندو رهيو آهي?“ پر هن چيو: ”ننڍپڻ کان.
9:21 ۽ اڪثر ڪري ان کي باهه ۾ يا پاڻي ۾ اڇلائي ٿو, هن کي تباهه ڪرڻ لاء. پر جيڪڏهن توهان ڪجهه به ڪري سگهو ٿا, اسان جي مدد ڪريو ۽ اسان تي رحم ڪريو.
9:22 پر عيسيٰ کيس چيو, ”جيڪڏهن توهان يقين ڪري سگهو ٿا: هر شيء ممڪن آهي ان لاء جيڪو ايمان آڻيندو آهي.
9:23 ۽ فوري طور تي ڇوڪرو جو پيء, ڳوڙهن سان روئڻ, چيو: ”مان سمجهان ٿو, رب. منهنجي بي ايمان جي مدد ڪريو.
9:24 ۽ جڏھن عيسيٰ ڏٺو تہ ميڙ گڏ ٿي پيو, هن ناپاڪ روح کي نصيحت ڪئي, هن کي چيو, ”ٻوڙو ۽ گونگا روح, مان توکي حڪم ڏيان ٿو, هن کي ڇڏي ڏيو; ۽ ان ۾ وڌيڪ داخل نه ٿيو.
9:25 ۽ روئڻ لڳو, ۽ هن کي تمام گهڻو ڌڪيو, هن کان روانو ٿيو. ۽ ھو ڄڻ مري ويو آھي, ايتري قدر جو ڪيترن ئي چيو, "هو مري ويو آهي."
9:26 پر يسوع, هن کي هٿ ۾ کڻڻ, هن کي مٿي ڪيو. ۽ هو اٿيو.




جواب ڇڏي وڃو