جون 22, 2014


Deuteronomy 8: 2-3, 14-16

8:2 And you shall remember the entire journey along which the Lord your God led you, for forty years through the desert, to afflict you, and to test you, and to make known the things that were turning in your soul, whether or not you would keep his commandments.

8:3 He afflicted you with need, and he gave you Manna as your food, which neither you nor your fathers knew, so as to reveal to you that it is not by bread alone that man lives, but by every word that goes forth from the mouth of God.

8:14 your heart might be lifted up, and you might not remember the Lord your God, جنهن توکي مصر جي ملڪ مان ڪڍي ڇڏيو, غلاميءَ جي گھر کان,

8:15 and who was your leader in the great and terrible wilderness, in which there was the serpent with a burning breath, and the scorpion, and the snake of thirst, and no waters at all. He led streams out of the hardest rock,

8:16 and he nourished you in the wilderness with Manna, which your fathers had not known. And after he had afflicted and tested you, in the very end, he took pity on you.

Second Reading

First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 10: 16-17

10:16 The cup of benediction that we bless, is it not a communion in the Blood of Christ? And the bread that we break, is it not a participation in the Body of the Lord?

10:17 Through the one bread, اسان, though many, are one body: all of us who are partakers of the one bread.


پاڪ انجيل جان جي مطابق 6: 51-58

6:51 مان جيئري ماني آهيان, جيڪو آسمان مان نازل ٿيو.
6:52 جيڪڏهن ڪو هن ماني کائي, هو ابد تائين جيئرو رهندو. ۽ ماني جيڪا مان ڏيندس اهو منهنجو گوشت آهي, دنيا جي زندگي لاء. "
6:53 تنهن ڪري, يهودين پاڻ ۾ بحث ڪيو, چوڻ, ”هي ماڻهو اسان کي پنهنجو گوشت کائڻ لاءِ ڪيئن ڏئي سگهي ٿو?”
6:54 ۽ ائين, عيسي انھن کي چيو: ”آمين, آمين, مان توکي چوان ٿو, جيستائين اوھين ابن⁠آدم جو گوشت نہ کائو ۽ سندس رت نہ پيئو, توهان ۾ زندگي نه هوندي.
6:55 جيڪو به منھنجو گوشت کائي ٿو ۽ منھنجو رت پيئي ٿو ان کي دائمي زندگي آھي, ۽ مان کيس آخري ڏينھن تي جيئرو ڪندس.
6:56 ڇاڪاڻ ته منهنجو گوشت سچو کاڌو آهي, ۽ منهنجو رت سچو پيئڻ آهي.
6:57 جيڪو به منھنجو گوشت کائي ٿو ۽ منھنجو رت پيئي ٿو سو مون ۾ رھي ٿو, ۽ مان هن ۾.
6:58 جيئن جيئرو پيءُ مون کي موڪليو آھي ۽ آءٌ پيءُ جي ڪري جيئرو آھيان, سو پڻ جيڪو مون کي کائي ٿو, اهو ئي رهندو منهنجي ڪري.


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