جون 6, 2015


ٽوبيٽ 12: 1, 5- 15, 20

12:1 Then Tobit called his son to him, ۽ هن کيس چيو, “What are we able to give to this holy man, who accompanied you?”

12:5 And calling him, the father especially, and the son, they took him aside. ۽ اھي کيس عرض ڪرڻ لڳا, so that he would deign to accept ownership of one half part of all things that they had brought.

12:6 Then he said to them privately: “Bless the God of heaven, and confess to him in the sight of all who live, for he has acted in his mercy toward you.

12:7 For it is good to conceal the secret of a king, just as it is also honorable to reveal and to confess the works of God.

12:8 Prayer with fasting is good, and almsgiving is better than hiding away gold in storage.

12:9 For almsgiving delivers from death, and the same is what purges sins and makes one able to find mercy and everlasting life.

12:10 But those who commit sin and iniquity are enemies to their own soul.

12:11 تنهن ڪري, I reveal the truth to you, and I will not hide the explanation from you.

12:12 When you prayed with tears, and buried the dead, and left behind your dinner, and hid the dead by day in your house, and buried them by night: I offered your prayer to the Lord.

12:13 And because you were acceptable to God, it was necessary for you to be tested by trials.

12:14 ۽ ھاڻ, the Lord has sent me to cure you, and to free Sarah, your son’s wife, from the demon.

12:15 For I am the Angel Raphael, one of seven, who stand before the Lord.”

12:20 تنهن ڪري, it is time that I return to him who sent me. پر جيئن توهان لاء, bless God, and describe all his wonders.”


مارڪ جي مطابق مقدس انجيل 12: 38-44

12:38 ۽ ھن انھن کي پنھنجي نظريي ۾ چيو: ”صحيفن کان خبردار رهو, جيڪي ڊگھا پوشاڪ ۾ گھمڻ پسند ڪن ٿا ۽ بازار ۾ سلام ڪيو وڃي,
12:39 ۽ عبادت گاهه ۾ پهرين ڪرسي تي ويهڻ لاءِ, ۽ دعوتن ۾ پهرين سيٽون حاصل ڪرڻ لاء,
12:40 جيڪي ڊگھي نمازن جي آڙ ۾ بيواھ عورتن جا گھر کائي ويندا آھن. انهن کي وڌيڪ وسيع فيصلو ملندو.
12:41 ۽ عيسى, پيشڪش باڪس جي سامهون ويٺي, انهي طريقي تي غور ڪيو جنهن ۾ ميڙ پيشڪش ۾ سڪا اڇلائي, ۽ ڪيترن ئي مالدارن کي وڏي معاملي ۾ اڇلايو.
12:42 پر جڏھن ھڪڙي غريب بيواھ آئي ھئي, هن ٻه ننڍا سڪا رکيا, جيڪو هڪ چوٿون آهي.
12:43 ۽ پنهنجي شاگردن کي گڏ ڪري سڏيندو هو, هن انهن کي چيو: ”آمين مان توکي چوان ٿو, ته هن غريب بيواهه انهن سڀني کان وڌيڪ رقم ڏني آهي جن هن پيشڪش ۾ حصو ورتو.
12:44 ڇالاءِ⁠جو اھي سڀيئي پنھنجي گھڻائيءَ مان ڏنائون, اڃان تائين واقعي, هن پنهنجي گهٽتائي مان ڏني, جيتوڻيڪ سڀ ڪجهه هن وٽ هو, هن جي سڄي زندگي."



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