مارچ 24, 2014


The Second Book of King 5: 1-15

5:1 نعمان, شام جي بادشاهه جي فوج جو اڳواڻ, پنهنجي پالڻهار وٽ وڏو ۽ معزز ماڻهو هو. ڇالاءِ⁠جو ھن جي وسيلي خداوند شام کي ڇوٽڪارو ڏنو. ۽ هو هڪ مضبوط ۽ امير ماڻهو هو, پر هڪ ڪوڙهه جو مريض.
5:2 هاڻي شام مان ڌاڙيل نڪري ويا هئا, ۽ کين قيد ڪري وٺي ويا هئا, اسرائيل جي ملڪ مان, هڪ ننڍڙي ڇوڪري. ۽ هوءَ نعمان جي زال جي خدمت ۾ هئي.
5:3 ۽ هن پنهنجي زال کي چيو: ”مان چاهيان ٿو ته منهنجو پالڻهار ان نبيءَ سان هجي ها جيڪو سامريه ۾ آهي. يقينن, هو هن کي ڪوڙهه جي مرض کان شفا ڏئي ها.
5:4 ۽ ائين, نعمان پنهنجي مالڪ وٽ ويو, ۽ هن کيس ٻڌايو, چوڻ: “ بني اسرائيل جي ڇوڪري اهڙي انداز ۾ ڳالهايو.
5:5 ۽ شام جو بادشاهه کيس چيو, ”وڃ, ۽ مان بني اسرائيل جي بادشاهه ڏانهن خط موڪليندس. ۽ جڏهن هو روانو ٿيو, هو پاڻ سان ڏهه تول چاندي کڻي ويو هو, ۽ ڇهه هزار سون جا سڪا, ۽ سٺي لباس جون ڏهه تبديليون.
5:6 ۽ اھو خط اسرائيل جي بادشاھہ ڏانھن کڻي آيو, انهن لفظن ۾: ”جڏهن توکي هي خط ملندو, know that I have sent to you my servant, نعمان, so that you may heal him of his leprosy.”
5:7 And when the king of Israel had read the letter, he tore his garments, ۽ هن چيو: “Am I God, so that I could take or give life, or so that this man would send to me to cure a man from his leprosy? Take notice and see that he is seeking occasions against me.”
5:8 And when Elisha, خدا جو ماڻهو, اهو ٻڌو هو, خاص طور تي, that the king of Israel had torn his garments, he sent to him, چوڻ: “Why have you torn your garments? Let him come to me, and let him know that there is a prophet in Israel.”
5:9 تنهن ڪري, Naaman arrived with his horses and chariots, and he stood at the door of the house of Elisha.
5:10 And Elisha sent a messenger to him, چوڻ, ”وڃ, and wash seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will receive health, and you will be clean.”
5:11 And becoming angry, Naaman went away, چوڻ: “I thought that he would have come out to me, ۽, standing, would have invoked the name of the Lord, his God, and that he would have touched the place of the leprosy with his hand, and so have healed me.
5:12 Are not the Abana and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel, so that I might wash in them and be cleansed?” But then, after he had turned himself away and was leaving with indignation,
5:13 his servants approached him, ۽ انھن کيس چيو: “If the prophet had told you, پيءُ, to do something great, certainly you ought to have done it. How much more so, now that he has said to you: ‘Wash, and you will be clean?”
5:14 So he descended and washed in the Jordan seven times, in accord with the word of the man of God. And his flesh was restored, like the flesh of a little child. And he was made clean.
5:15 And returning to the man of God, with his entire retinue, he arrived, and stood before him, ۽ هن چيو: ”سچ, I know there is no other God, in all the earth, except in Israel. And so I beg you to accept a blessing from your servant.”


The Holy Gospel According to Luke 4: 24-30

4:24 پوءِ چيائين: ”آمين مان توکي چوان ٿو, ته ڪنهن به نبي کي پنهنجي ملڪ ۾ قبول نه ڪيو وڃي.
4:25 سچ ۾, مان توکي چوان ٿو, اسرائيل ۾ ايلياه جي ڏينهن ۾ ڪيتريون ئي بيواهه هيون, جڏهن آسمان ٽن سالن ۽ ڇهن مهينن لاء بند ڪيو ويو, جڏهن سڄي ملڪ ۾ وڏو ڏڪار پئجي ويو.
4:26 ۽ انهن مان ڪنهن کي به ايليا نه موڪليو ويو, صيدا جي زارفت کان سواءِ, هڪ عورت ڏانهن جيڪا بيوه هئي.
4:27 ۽ بني اسرائيل ۾ اليشا نبيءَ جي ماتحت ڪيترائي ڪوڙھہ وارا ھئا. ۽ انهن مان ڪنهن کي به صاف نه ڪيو ويو, سواءِ نعمان شامي جي.
4:28 ۽ اھي سڀيئي عبادت⁠خاني ۾ آھن, اهي ڳالهيون ٻڌي, ڪاوڙ سان ڀريل هئا.
4:29 ۽ اھي اٿي بيٺا ۽ کيس شھر کان ٻاھر وٺي ويا. ۽ اھي کيس جبل جي ڪناري تي وٺي آيا, جنهن تي سندن شهر اڏيو ويو هو, ته جيئن هو هن کي زور سان هيٺ اڇلائي ڇڏين.
4:30 پر انهن جي وچ مان گذرڻ, هو هليو ويو.


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