May 9, 2015


The Acts of the Apostles 16: 1-10

16:1 Then he arrived at Derbe and Lystra. ۽ ڏس, a certain disciple named Timothy was there, the son of a faithful Jewish woman, his father a Gentile.
16:2 The brothers who were at Lystra and Iconium rendered good testimony to him.
16:3 Paul wanted this man to travel with him, and taking him, he circumcised him, because of the Jews who were in those places. For they all knew that his father was a Gentile.
16:4 And as they were traveling through the cities, they delivered to them the dogmas to be kept, which were decreed by the Apostles and elders who were at Jerusalem.
16:5 ۽ يقينا, the Churches were being strengthened in faith and were increasing in number every day.
16:6 پوءِ, while crossing through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were prevented by the Holy Spirit from speaking the Word in Asia.
16:7 But when they had arrived in Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not permit them.
16:8 پوءِ, when they had crossed through Mysia, they descended to Troas.
16:9 And a vision in the night was revealed to Paul of a certain man of Macedonia, standing and pleading with him, ۽ چوڻ: “Cross into Macedonia and help us!”
16:10 پوءِ, after he saw the vision, immediately we sought to set out for Macedonia, having been assured that God had called us to evangelize to them.


پاڪ انجيل جان جي مطابق 15: 18-21

15:18 جيڪڏھن دنيا توھان کان نفرت ڪري ٿي, ڄاڻو ته اهو توهان کان اڳ مون کان نفرت ڪئي آهي.
15:19 جيڪڏهن تون دنيا مان هجين ها, دنيا پيار ڪندي جيڪا پنهنجي آهي. اڃان تائين واقعي, توهان دنيا جا نه آهيو, پر مون توکي دنيا مان چونڊيو آهي; هن جي ڪري, دنيا توهان کان نفرت ڪري ٿي.
15:20 ياد رکو منهنجي ڳالهه جيڪا مون توکي ٻڌائي هئي: ٻانهو پنهنجي رب کان وڏو ناهي. جيڪڏهن انهن مون کي ايذايو آهي, اهي توهان کي پڻ ايذائيندا. جيڪڏهن انهن منهنجي ڳالهه کي برقرار رکيو آهي, اهي توهان کي پڻ رکندا.
15:21 پر اھي سڀ شيون منھنجي نالي جي ڪري توھان سان ڪندا, ڇالاءِ⁠جو اھي انھيءَ کي نہ ٿا سڃاڻن جنھن مون کي موڪليو آھي.


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