October 1, 2014


The Book of Job 9: 1-12, 14-16

9:1 And Job, جواب ڏيڻ, چيو:
9:2 سچ پچ, I know that it is so, and that man cannot be justified compared with God.
9:3 If he chooses to contend with him, he is not able to respond to him once out of a thousand times.
9:4 He is understanding in heart and mighty in strength; who has resisted him and yet had peace?
9:5 He has moved mountains, and those whom he overthrew in his fury did not know it.
9:6 He shakes the earth out of its place and its pillars tremble.
9:7 He commands the sun and it does not rise, and he closes the stars as if under a seal.
9:8 He alone extends the heavens, and he walks upon the waves of the sea.
9:9 He fashions Arcturus, and Orion, and Hyades, and the interior of the south.
9:10 He accomplishes great and incomprehensible and miraculous things, which cannot be numbered.
9:11 If he approaches me, I will not see him; if he departs, I will not understand.
9:12 If he suddenly should question, who will answer him? Or who can say, “Why did you do so?”
9:14 what am I then, that I should answer him and exchange words with him?
9:15 And if I now have any justice, I will not respond, but will beseech my judge.
9:16 And if he should listen to me when I call, I would not believe that he had heard my voice.


The Holy Gospel According to Luke 9: 57-62

9:57 ۽ اهو ٿيو, جيئن اهي رستي ۾ پيا هلن, ڪنهن کيس چيو, ”مان تنهنجي پيروي ڪندس, جتي ڀي تون وڄين."
9:58 عيسيٰ کيس چيو: ”لومڙين جا ڍير هوندا آهن, ۽ هوا جي پکين جا آکيرا آهن. پر ابن⁠آدم وٽ پنھنجو مٿو رکڻ لاءِ ڪا جاءِ ناھي.
9:59 پوءِ هن ٻئي کي چيو, "منهنجي پويان اچو." پر هن چيو, ”رب, مون کي اجازت ڏي ته پهرين وڃي پنهنجي پيءُ کي دفن ڪريان.
9:60 ۽ عيسي کيس چيو: ”مئل کي سندن مئلن کي دفن ڪرڻ ڏيو. پر تون وڃ ۽ خدا جي بادشاھت جو اعلان ڪر.”
9:61 ۽ ٻئي چيو: ”مان تنهنجي پيروي ڪندس, رب. پر مون کي اجازت ڏي ته پهرين منهنجي گهر وارن کي اها ڳالهه سمجهائي.”
9:62 عيسيٰ کيس چيو, ”ڪنهن کي به هٿ نه ڏي, ۽ پوءِ واپس ڏسندو آهي, اھو خدا جي بادشاھت جي لائق آھي.


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