Mashi 27, 2024


Isaya 50: 4 - 9

50:4INkosi inginike ulimi lokufunda, ukuze ngikwazi ukusekela ngezwi, osebuthakathaka. Avuke ekuseni, uvuka endlebeni yami ekuseni, ukuze ngimlalele njengomfundisi.
50:5INkosi uJehova ivule indlebe yami. Futhi angimphikisi. angibuyelanga emuva.
50:6umzimba wami ngiwunikele kwabangishayayo, nezihlathi zami kulabo abazihluthulayo. angibufulathelanga ubuso bami kwabangikhuzayo nabangikhafulelayo.
50:7INkosi uJehova ingumsizi wami. Ngakho-ke, angizange ngibe nenhloni. Ngakho-ke, ngimise ubuso bami njengetshe elilukhuni kakhulu, futhi ngiyazi ukuthi angiyikujabha.
50:8ongilungisisayo useduze. Ubani ozokhuluma ngokumelene nami? Asime ndawonye. Ubani isitha sami? Asondele kimi.
50:9Bheka, iNkosi uJehova ingumsizi wami. Ubani ongangilahla? Bheka, zonke ziyoguga njengengubo; inundu liyobashwabadela.

IVangeli ngokukaMathewu 26:14 - 25

26:14Then one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the leaders of the priests,
26:15wasesithi kubo, “What are you willing to give me, if I hand him over to you?” So they appointed thirty pieces of silver for him.
26:16Futhi kusukela lapho, he sought an opportunity to betray him.
26:17Khona-ke, on the first day of Unleavened Bread, the disciples approached Jesus, ethi, “Where do you want us to prepare for you to eat the Passover?”
26:18So Jesus said, “Hambani niye edolobheni, to a certain one, athi kuye: ‘The Teacher said: My time is near. I am observing the Passover with you, along with my disciples.’ ”
26:19And the disciples did just as Jesus appointed to them. Basebelungisa iphasika.
26:20Khona-ke, when evening arrived, he sat at table with his twelve disciples.
26:21And while they were eating, uthe: “Amen ngithi kuwe, that one of you is about to betray me.”
26:22And being greatly saddened, each one of them began to say, “Surely, akumina, Nkosi?”
26:23But he responded by saying: “He who dips his hand with me into the dish, the same will betray me.
26:24Ngempela, iNdodana yomuntu iyahamba, just as it has been written about him. Kodwa maye kulowo muntu iNdodana yomuntu eyokhashelwa ngaye!. It would be better for that man if he had not been born.”
26:25Then Judas, who betrayed him, responded by saying, “Surely, akumina, Mphathi?” Wathi kuye, “You have said it.”