Өдөр тутмын уншлага

  • April 28, 2024

    Үйлс 9: 26-31

    9:26And when he had arrived in Jerusalem, he attempted to join himself to the disciples. And they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.
    9:27But Barnabas took him aside and led him to the Apostles. And he explained to them how he had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken to him, and how, in Damascus, he had acted faithfully in the name of Jesus.
    9:28And he was with them, entering and departing Jerusalem, and acting faithfully in the name of the Lord.
    9:29He also was speaking with the Gentiles and disputing with the Greeks. But they were seeking to kill him.
    9:30And when the brothers had realized this, they brought him to Caesarea and sent him away to Tarsus.
    9:31Certainly, the Church had peace throughout all of Judea and Galilee and Samaria, and it was being built up, while walking in the fear of the Lord, and it was being filled with the consolation of the Holy Spirit.

    Иоханы анхны захидал 3: 18-24

    3:18My little sons, let us not love in words only, but in works and in truth.
    3:19Энэ замаар, we will know that we are of the truth, and we will commend our hearts in his sight.
    3:20For even if our heart reproaches us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows all things.
    3:21Хамгийн хайртай, if our heart does not reproach us, we can have confidence toward God;
    3:22and whatever we shall request of him, we shall receive from him. For we keep his commandments, and we do the things that are pleasing in his sight.
    3:23And this is his commandment: that we should believe in the name of his Son, Есүс Христ, and love one another, just as he has commanded us.
    3:24And those who keep his commandments abide in him, and he in them. And we know that he abides in us by this: by the Spirit, whom he has given to us.

    Жон 15: 1- 8

    15:1"Би бол жинхэнэ усан үзмийн мод, Миний Эцэг бол усан үзмийн тариалагч.
    15:2Миний доторх жимс ургуулдаггүй мөчир бүр, тэр авч явах болно. Мөн үр жимс ургуулдаг хүн бүр, тэр цэвэрлэх болно, Ингэснээр энэ нь илүү их үр жимс авчрах болно.
    15:3Та одоо цэвэрхэн байна, Миний чамд хэлсэн үгнээс болж.
    15:4Миний дотор байгаарай, мөн би чиний дотор. Салбар нь өөрөө үр жимсээ өгөх чадваргүйтэй адил, Хэрэв энэ нь усан үзмийн модонд үлдэхгүй бол, чи ч бас чадахгүй, Хэрэв та миний дотор үлдэхгүй бол.
    15:5Би бол усан үзмийн мод; Та бол салбарууд. Миний дотор байгаа хэн ч бай, мөн би түүний дотор, их үр жимс ургуулдаг. Учир нь надгүйгээр, чи юу ч хийж чадахгүй.
    15:6Хэрэв хэн нэгэн Миний дотор үлдэхгүй бол, тэр хаягдах болно, салбар шиг, мөн тэр хатах болно, Тэд түүнийг цуглуулж, галд хаях болно, мөн тэр шатаж байна.
    15:7Хэрэв чи миний дотор байвал, мөн миний үгс чиний дотор үлдэнэ, тэгвэл та хүссэн бүхнээ гуйж болно, мөн энэ нь таны төлөө хийгдэх болно.
    15:8Энэ нь, Миний Эцэг алдаршсан: Та нар маш их үр жимс ургуулж, Миний шавь болоорой.

  • April 27, 2024

    Үйлс 13: 44- 52

    13:44Гэсэн хэдий ч үнэхээр, on the following Sabbath, nearly the entire city came together to hear the Word of God.
    13:45Then the Jews, олныг харж байна, were filled with envy, and they, blaspheming, contradicted the things that were being said by Paul.
    13:46Then Paul and Barnabas said firmly: “It was necessary to speak the Word of God first to you. But because you reject it, and so judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, хараач, we turn to the Gentiles.
    13:47For so has the Lord instructed us: ‘I have set you as a light to the Gentiles, so that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’ ”
    13:48Then the Gentiles, upon hearing this, were gladdened, and they were glorifying the Word of the Lord. And as many as believed were preordained to eternal life.
    13:49Now the word of the Lord was disseminated throughout the entire region.
    13:50But the Jews incited some devout and honest women, and the leaders of the city. And they stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas. And they drove them away from their parts.
    13:51But they, shaking the dust from their feet against them, went on to Iconium.
    13:52The disciples were likewise filled with gladness and with the Holy Spirit.

    Жон 14: 7- 14

    14:7If you had known me, certainly you would also have known my Father. And from now on, you shall know him, and you have seen him.”
    14:8Philip said to him, “Эзэн, reveal the Father to us, and it is enough for us.”
    14:9Есүс түүнд хэлэв: “Have I been with you for so long, and you have not known me? Philip, whoever sees me, also sees the Father. How can you say, ‘Reveal the Father to us?'
    14:10Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I am speaking to you, I do not speak from myself. But the Father abiding in me, he does these works.
    14:11Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?
    14:12Or else, believe because of these same works. Амен, amen, Би чамд хэлж байна, whoever believes in me shall also do the works that I do. And greater things than these shall he do, for I go to the Father.
    14:13And whatever you shall ask the Father in my name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
    14:14If you shall ask anything of me in my name, that I will do.

  • April 26, 2024

    Уншиж байна

    The Acts of the Apostles 13: 26-33

    13:26Noble brothers, sons of the stock of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, it is to you the Word of this salvation has been sent.
    13:27For those who were living in Jerusalem, and its rulers, heeding neither him, nor the voices of the Prophets that are read on every Sabbath, fulfilled these by judging him.
    13:28And although they found no case for death against him, they petitioned Pilate, so that they might put him to death.
    13:29And when they had fulfilled everything that had been written about him, taking him down from the tree, they placed him in a tomb.
    13:30Гэсэн хэдий ч үнэхээр, God raised him up from the dead on the third day.
    13:31And he was seen for many days by those who went up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who even now are his witnesses to the people.
    13:32And we are announcing to you that the Promise, which was made to our fathers,
    13:33has been fulfilled by God for our children by raising up Jesus, just as it has been written in the second Psalm also: ‘You are my Son. This day I have begotten you.’

    Сайн мэдээ

    The Holy Gospel According to John 14: 1-6

    14:1“Do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe in me also.
    14:2In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places. If there were not, I would have told you. For I go to prepare a place for you.
    14:3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will return again, and then I will take you to myself, so that where I am, you also may be.
    14:4And you know where I am going. And you know the way.”
    14:5Thomas said to him, “Эзэн, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

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