January 22, 2015

Уншиж байна

The Letter to the Hebrews 7: 25- 8: 6

7:25 Мөн энэ шалтгааны улмаас, тэр чадвартай, тасралтгүй, түүгээр дамжуулан Бурханд ханддаг хүмүүсийг аврахын тулд, Тэр бидний өмнөөс зуучлахаар амьд байгаа тул.
7:26 Учир нь бид ийм Тэргүүн Тахилчтай байх нь зохимжтой байсан: ариун, гэм зэмгүй, бузаргүй, нүгэлтнүүдээс тусгаарлах, мөн тэнгэрээс өндөрт өргөгдсөн.
7:27 Тэгээд түүнд ямар ч шаардлага байхгүй, өдөр бүр, бусад санваартнуудын адил, тахил өргөх, эхлээд өөрийнхөө нүглийн төлөө, дараа нь хүмүүсийн хувьд. Учир нь тэр үүнийг нэг удаа хийсэн, өөрийгөө санал болгосноор.
7:28 Учир нь хууль хүмүүсийг тахилчаар томилдог, Хэдийгээр тэд сул дорой байдалтай байдаг. Гэхдээ, Хуулийн дараах тангаргийн үгээр, Хүү үүрд мөнхөд төгс болгуулсан.

Еврейчүүд 8

8:1 Now the main point in the things that have been stated is this: that we have so great a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of Majesty in the heavens,
8:2 who is the minister of holy things, and of the true tabernacle, which was established by the Lord, not by man.
8:3 For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices. Тиймээс, it is necessary for him also to have something to offer.
8:4 Гэх мэт, if he were upon the earth, he would not be a priest, since there would be others to offer gifts according to the law,
8:5 gifts which serve as mere examples and shadows of the heavenly things. And so it was answered to Moses, when he was about to complete the tabernacle: “See to it,” he said, “that you make everything according to the example which was revealed to you on the mountain.”
8:6 But now he has been granted a better ministry, so much so that he is also the Mediator of a better testament, which has been confirmed by better promises.

Сайн мэдээ

Маркийн хэлснээр Ариун Сайн мэдээ 3: 7-12

3:7 But Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea. And a great crowd followed him from Galilee and Judea,
3:8 and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea and across the Jordan. And those around Tyre and Sidon, upon hearing what he was doing, came to him in a great multitude.
3:9 And he told his disciples that a small boat would be useful to him, because of the crowd, lest they press upon him.
3:10 For he healed so many, that as many of them as had wounds would rush toward him in order to touch him.
3:11 And the unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell prostrate before him. Тэгээд тэд хашгирав, хэлж байна,
3:12 “You are the Son of God.” And he strongly admonished them, lest they make him known.


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