جنوري 29, 2015


The Letter to the Hebrews 10: 19-25

10:19 ۽ ائين, ڀائر, have faith in the entrance into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Christ,
10:20 and in the new and living Way, which he has initiated for us by the veil, اهو آهي, هن جي گوشت سان,
10:21 and in the Great Priest over the house of God.
10:22 سو, let us draw near with a true heart, in the fullness of faith, having hearts cleansed from an evil conscience, and bodies absolved with clean water.
10:23 Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope, without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.
10:24 And let us be considerate of one another, so as to prompt ourselves to charity and to good works,
10:25 not deserting our assembly, as some are accustomed to do, but consoling one another, and even more so as you see that the day is approaching


مارڪ جي مطابق مقدس انجيل 4: 21-25

4:21 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”ڇا ڪو ڏيئو کڻي اندر داخل ٿئي ته ان کي ٽوڪري هيٺان يا بستري هيٺان رکي? ڇا اهو شمعدان تي نه رکيو ويندو?
4:22 ڇالاءِ⁠جو اھڙي ڪابہ شيءِ لڪل نہ آھي جيڪا ظاھر نہ ڪئي ويندي. نه ئي ڪو ڳجهو ڪم ڪيو ويو, سواءِ ان جي ته ان کي عام ڪيو وڃي.
4:23 جيڪڏهن ڪنهن کي ٻڌڻ لاءِ ڪن آهن, هن کي ٻڌڻ ڏيو.”
4:24 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”توهان جيڪي ٻڌو ان تي غور ڪريو. جنهن به ماپي سان توهان ماپيو آهي, اهو توهان ڏانهن واپس ماپيو ويندو, ۽ توهان کي وڌيڪ شامل ڪيو ويندو.
4:25 جنهن لاءِ آهي, ان کي ڏنو ويندو. ۽ جنهن وٽ ناهي, ان کان به کسي ويندي جيڪا هن وٽ آهي“.



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