جنوري 30, 2015


The Letter to the Hebrews 10: 32-39

10:32 But call to mind the former days, ڪھڙي, after being enlightened, you endured a great struggle of afflictions.
10:33 ۽ يقينا, in one way, by insults and tribulations, you were made a spectacle, but in another way, you became the companions of those who were the object of such behavior.
10:34 For you even had compassion on those who were imprisoned, and you accepted with gladness being deprived of your goods, knowing that you have a better and more lasting substance.
10:35 ۽ ائين, do not lose your confidence, which has a great reward.
10:36 For it is necessary for you to be patient, تان ته, by doing the will of God, you may receive the promise.
10:37 “For, in a little while, and somewhat longer, he who is to come will return, and he will not delay.
10:38 For my just man lives by faith. But if he were to draw himself back, he would not please my soul.”
10:39 ته پوء, we are not sons who are drawn away to perdition, but we are sons of faith toward the securing of the soul.


مارڪ جي مطابق مقدس انجيل 4: 26-34

4:26 ۽ هن چيو: ”خدا جي بادشاهي اهڙي آهي: ڄڻ ته ڪو ماڻھو زمين تي ٻج پوکي.
4:27 ۽ هو سمهي ٿو ۽ اٿي ٿو, رات ۽ ڏينهن. ۽ ٻج اڀري ٿو ۽ اڀري ٿو, جيتوڻيڪ هن کي خبر ناهي.
4:28 ڇاڪاڻ ته زمين آسانيءَ سان ميوو ڏئي ٿي: پهريون ٻوٽو, پوءِ ڪن, ڪن ۾ پورو اناج اڳيان.
4:29 ۽ جڏھن ميوو پيدا ڪيو ويو آھي, هو فوري طور ڏاٽو موڪلي ٿو, ڇاڪاڻ ته فصل اچي چڪو آهي.
4:30 ۽ هن چيو: ”اسان کي خدا جي بادشاهي جو مقابلو ڪرڻ گهرجي? يا ان کي ڪهڙي مثال سان ڀيٽڻ گهرجي?
4:31 اهو سرنهن جي داڻي وانگر آهي, جڏهن اهو زمين ۾ پوکيو ويو آهي, زمين ۾ موجود سڀني ٻج کان گهٽ آهي.
4:32 ۽ جڏهن پوکيو ويندو آهي, اهو وڌي ٿو ۽ سڀني ٻوٽن کان وڏو ٿئي ٿو, ۽ اهو عظيم شاخون پيدا ڪري ٿو, ايتري قدر جو هوا جا پکي ان جي ڇانو هيٺ رهڻ جي قابل آهن.
4:33 ۽ ڪيترن ئي مثالن سان هن لفظ انهن کي ٻڌايو, جيترو اهي ٻڌي سگهندا هئا.
4:34 پر ھو انھن سان مثال کان سواءِ نه ڳالھائيندو ھو. اڃا الڳ الڳ, هن پنهنجي شاگردن کي سڀني شين جي وضاحت ڪئي.


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