July 9, 2015


پيدائش 44: 18-29 45: 1-5

44:18 Then Judah, approaching closer, said confidently: ”مان عرض ٿو ڪريان, منهنجا مالڪ, let your servant speak a word in your ears, and do not be angry with your servant. For you are next to Pharaoh.

44:19 My lord, you questioned your servants before: ‘Do you have a father or a brother?’

44:20 And we answered you, منهنجا مالڪ: ‘There is our father, an old man, and a young boy, who was born in his old age. His brother of the same womb has died, and he alone is left to his mother and father, who truly love him tenderly.’

44:21 And you said to your servants, ‘Bring him to me, and I will set my eyes on him.’

44:22 We suggested to my lord: ‘The boy is not able to leave his father. For if he sends him away, he will die.’

44:23 And you said to your servants: ‘Unless your youngest brother arrives with you, you will not see my face any more.’

44:24 تنهن ڪري, when we had gone up to your servant our father, we explained to him all that my lord had spoken.

44:25 And our father said: ‘Return and buy us a little wheat.’

44:26 And we said to him: ‘We cannot go. If our youngest brother descends with us, we will set out together. ٻي صورت ۾, in his absence, we do not dare to see the face of the man.’

44:27 To which he responded: ‘You know that my wife conceived twice by me

. 44:28 One went out, ۽ توهان چيو, “A beast devoured him.” And since then, he has not appeared.

44:29 If you take this one also, and anything happens to him on the way, you will lead my grey hairs down with grief to the grave.’

45:1 Joseph was unable to restrain himself any longer, standing before so many. تنهن ڪري, he instructed that all should go outside, and that no stranger should be among them as they recognized one another.

45:2 And he lifted up his voice with weeping, which the Egyptians heard, along with the entire house of Pharaoh.

45:3 And he said to his brothers: “I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?” His brothers were unable to respond, being terrified by a very great fear.

45:4 And he said to them mildly, “Approach toward me.” And when they had approached close by, ھن چيو: “I am Joseph, تنهنجو ڀاءُ, whom you sold into Egypt.

45:5 ڊڄ نه, and let it not seem to you to be a hardship that you sold me into these regions. For God sent me before you into Egypt for your salvation.


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 10: 7-15

10:7 ان جي ڪري, هڪ ماڻهو پنهنجي پيء ۽ ماء کي ڇڏي ويندو, ۽ هو پنهنجي زال سان چمڪندو.
10:8 ۽ اھي ٻئي جسم ۾ ھڪڙو ھوندا. ۽ ائين, اهي هاڻي آهن, ٻه نه, پر هڪ گوشت.
10:9 تنهن ڪري, جيڪو خدا گڏ ڪيو آهي, ڪنهن به ماڻهو کي جدا نه ٿيڻ ڏيو.
10:10 ۽ ٻيهر, گهر ۾, سندس شاگردن کانئس ساڳي ڳالھ بابت سوال ڪيو.
10:11 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”جيڪو پنهنجي زال کي برطرف ڪري, ۽ ٻي شادي ڪري ٿو, هن جي خلاف زنا ڪري ٿو.
10:12 ۽ جيڪڏھن زال پنھنجي مڙس کي برطرف ڪري, ۽ ٻي شادي ڪئي آهي, هوءَ زنا ڪري ٿي.
10:13 ۽ اھي ھن وٽ ننڍڙا ٻار کڻي آيا, ته جيئن هو انهن کي هٿ ڪري سگهي. پر شاگردن انھن کي نصيحت ڪئي جيڪي انھن کي وٺي آيا.
10:14 پر جڏھن عيسيٰ اھو ڏٺو, هن ڏوهه ڪيو, ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”ٻارن کي مون وٽ اچڻ ڏيو, ۽ انھن کي منع نه ڪريو. اهڙن ماڻهن جي لاءِ خدا جي بادشاهي آهي.
10:15 آمين مان توهان کي چوان ٿو, جيڪو به خدا جي بادشاهي کي ننڍڙي ٻار وانگر قبول نه ڪندو, ان ۾ داخل نه ٿيندو."


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