February 15, 2015

First Reading

The Book of Leviticus 13: 1-2, 44-46

13:1 Og Herren talte til Moses og Aron, ordsprog:
13:2 Manden i hvis hud eller kød der vil være opstået en forskellig farve, eller en pustel, eller noget der ser ud til at skinne, som er spedalskhedens mærke, skal føres til præsten Aron, eller til nogen, som du ønsker blandt hans sønner.
13:44 Derfor, hvem der vil være blevet opdaget af spedalskhed, og som er blevet skilt efter præstens dom,
13:45 skal have sit tøj afsyet, hans hoved blottet, hans mund dækket med et klæde, og han skal selv råbe, at han er uren og beskidt.
13:46 Så længe han er spedalsk og uren, skal han bo alene uden for lejren.


Second Reading

The First Letter of Saint Paul 10: 31- 11:1

10:31 Derfor, whether you eat or drink, or whatever else you may do, do everything for the glory of God.
10:32 Be without offense toward the Jews, and toward the Gentiles, and toward the Church of God,
10:33 just as I also, i alle ting, please everyone, not seeking what is best for myself, but what is best for many others, så de kan blive frelst.

1 Korinterne 11

11:1 Be imitators of me, as I also am of Christ.



The Holy Gospel According to Mark 1:40-45

1:40 And a leper came to him, begging him. And kneeling down, sagde han til ham, “If you are willing, you are able to cleanse me.”
1:41 Så Jesus, taking pity on him, reached out his hand. And touching him, sagde han til ham: “I am willing. Be cleansed.”
1:42 And after he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed.
1:43 And he admonished him, and he promptly sent him away.
1:44 Og han sagde til ham: “See to it that you tell no one. But go and show yourself to the high priest, and offer for your cleansing that which Moses instructed, as a testimony for them.”
1:45 But having departed, he began to preach and to disseminate the word, so that he was no longer able to openly enter a city, but had to remain outside, in deserted places. And they were gathered to him from every direction.



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