apríl 6, 2012, Guðspjall

The Passion of our Lord According to John 18: 1-19: 42

18:1 When Jesus had said these things, he departed with his disciples across the Torrent of Kidron, where there was a garden, into which he entered with his disciples.
18:2 But Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, for Jesus had frequently met with his disciples there.
18:3 Then Judas, when he had received a cohort from both the high priests and the attendants of the Pharisees, approached the place with lanterns and torches and weapons.
18:4 And so Jesus, knowing all that was about to happen to him, advanced and said to them, “Who are you seeking?”
18:5 They answered him, “Jesus the Nazarene.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” Now Judas, who betrayed him, was also standing with them.
18:6 Þá, when he said to them, “I am he,” they moved back and fell to the ground.
18:7 Then again he questioned them: “Who are you seeking?“ Og þeir sögðu, “Jesus the Nazarene.”
18:8 Jesús svaraði: “I told you that I am he. Þess vegna, if you are seeking me, permit these others to go away.”
18:9 This was so that the word might be fulfilled, which he said, “Of those whom you have given to me, I have not lost any of them.”
18:10 Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it, and he struck the servant of the high priest, and he cut off his right ear. Now the name of the servant was Malchus.
18:11 Þess vegna, Jesus said to Peter: “Set your sword into the scabbard. Should I not drink the chalice which my Father has given to me?”
18:12 Then the cohort, and the tribune, and the attendants of the Jews apprehended Jesus and bound him.
18:13 And they led him away, first to Annas, for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was the high priest that year.
18:14 Now Caiaphas was the one who had given counsel to the Jews that it was expedient for one man to die for the people.
18:15 And Simon Peter was following Jesus with another disciple. And that disciple was known to the high priest, and so he entered with Jesus into the court of the high priest.
18:16 But Peter was standing outside at the entrance. Þess vegna, the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to the woman who was the doorkeeper, and he led in Peter.
18:17 Þess vegna, the woman servant keeping the door said to Peter, “Are you not also among the disciples of this man?” He said, “I am not.”
18:18 Now the servants and attendants were standing before burning coals, for it was cold, and they were warming themselves. And Peter was standing with them also, warming himself.
18:19 Then the high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and about his doctrine.
18:20 Jesus responded to him: “I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in the synagogue and in the temple, where all the Jews meet. And I have said nothing in secret.
18:21 Why do you question me? Question those who heard what I said to them. Sjá, they know these things that I have said.”
18:22 Þá, when he had said this, one the attendants standing nearby struck Jesus, að segja: “Is this the way you answer the high priest?”
18:23 Jesus answered him: “If I have spoken wrongly, offer testimony about the wrong. But if I have spoken correctly, then why do you strike me?”
18:24 And Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas, æðsti presturinn.
18:25 Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. Then they said to him, “Are you not also one of his disciples?” He denied it and said, “I am not.”
18:26 One of the servants of the high priest (a relative of him whose ear Peter had cut off) sagði við hann, “Did I not see you in the garden with him?”
18:27 Þess vegna, aftur, Peter denied it. And immediately the rooster crowed.
18:28 Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas into the praetorium. Now it was morning, and so they did not enter into the praetorium, so that they would not be defiled, but might eat the Passover.
18:29 Þess vegna, Pilate went outside to them, og hann sagði, “What accusation are you bringing against this man?”
18:30 They responded and said to him, “If he were not an evil-doer, we would not have handed him over you.”
18:31 Þess vegna, Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves and judge him according to your own law.” Then the Jews said to him, “It is not lawful for us to execute anyone.”
18:32 This was so that the word of Jesus would be fulfilled, which he spoke signifying what kind of death he would die.
18:33 Then Pilate entered the praetorium again, and he called Jesus and said to him, „Þú ert konungur Gyðinga?”
18:34 Jesús svaraði, “Are you saying this of yourself, or have others spoken to you about me?”
18:35 Pilate responded: “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the high priests have handed you over to me. What have you done?”
18:36 Jesús svaraði: “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my ministers would certainly strive so that I would not be handed over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not now from here.”
18:37 And so Pilate said to him, “You are a king, Þá?” Jesus answered, “You are saying that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world: so that I may offer testimony to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.”
18:38 Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, og hann sagði við þá, “I find no case against him.
18:39 But you have a custom, that I should release someone to you at the Passover. Þess vegna, do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?”
18:40 Then they all cried out repeatedly, að segja: “Not this one, but Barabbas.” Now Barabbas was a robber.
19:1 Þess vegna, Pilate then took Jesus into custody and scourged him.
19:2 And the soldiers, plaiting a crown of thorns, imposed it on his head. And they put a purple garment around him.
19:3 And they were approaching him and saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they struck him repeatedly.
19:4 Then Pilate went outside again, og hann sagði við þá: „Sjá, I am bringing him out to you, so that you may realize that I find no case against him.”
19:5 (Then Jesus went out, bearing the crown of thorns and the purple garment.) Og hann sagði við þá, “Behold the man.”
19:6 Þess vegna, when the high priests and the attendants had seen him, they cried out, að segja: „Krossfestu hann! Krossfestu hann!” Pilate said to them: “Take him yourselves and crucify him. For I find no case against him.”
19:7 The Jews answered him, “We have a law, and according to the law, he ought to die, for he has made himself the Son of God.”
19:8 Þess vegna, when Pilate had heard this word, he was more fearful.
19:9 And he entered into the praetorium again. Og hann sagði við Jesú. “Where are you from?” But Jesus gave him no response.
19:10 Þess vegna, Pilate said to him: “Will you not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to crucify you, and I have authority to release you?”
19:11 Jesús svaraði, “You would not have any authority over me, unless it were given to you from above. Af þessari ástæðu, he who has handed me over to you has the greater sin.”
19:12 And from then on, Pilate was seeking to release him. But the Jews were crying out, að segja: “If you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar. For anyone who makes himself a king contradicts Caesar.”
19:13 Now when Pilate had heard these words, he brought Jesus outside, and he sat down in the seat of judgment, in a place which is called the Pavement, but in Hebrew, it is called the Elevation.
19:14 Now it was the preparation day of the Passover, about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews, “Behold your king.”
19:15 But they were crying out: „Taktu hann í burtu! Take him away! Krossfestu hann!” Pilate said to them, “Shall I crucify your king?” The high priests responded, “We have no king except Caesar.”
19:16 Þess vegna, he then handed him over to them to be crucified. And they took Jesus and led him away.
19:17 And carrying his own cross, he went forth to the place which is called Calvary, but in Hebrew it is called the Place of the Skull.
19:18 There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle.
19:19 Then Pilate also wrote a title, and he set it above the cross. And it was written: JESUS THE NAZARENE, KING OF THE JEWS.
19:20 Þess vegna, many of the Jews read this title, for the place where Jesus was crucified was close to the city. And it was written in Hebrew, in Greek, and in Latin.
19:21 Then the high priests of the Jews said to Pilate: Do not write, ‘King of the Jews,’ but that he said, ‘I am King of the Jews.’
19:22 Pilate responded, “What I have written, I have written.”
19:23 Then the soldiers, when they had crucified him, took his garments, and they made four parts, one part to each soldier, and the tunic. But the tunic was seamless, woven from above throughout the whole.
19:24 Then they said to one another, “Let us not cut it, but instead let us cast lots over it, to see whose it will be.” This was so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, að segja: “They have distributed my garments among themselves, and for my vesture they have cast lots.” And indeed, the soldiers did these things.
19:25 Og við hlið krossins Jesú stóð móðir hans, og móðursystur hans, og María frá Kleófasi, og Maríu Magdalenu.
19:26 Þess vegna, þegar Jesús hafði séð móður sína og lærisveininn, sem hann elskaði, standa nálægt, sagði hann við móður sína, „Kona, sjáðu son þinn."
19:27 Næst, sagði hann við lærisveininn, "Sjáðu móður þína." Og frá þeirri stundu, lærisveinninn tók hana sem sína eigin.
19:28 Eftir þetta, Jesús vissi að allt hafði verið gert, svo til þess að ritningin yrði fullgerð, sagði hann, "Mig þyrstir."
19:29 Og þar var settur gámur, fullt af ediki. Þá, setja svamp fullan af ediki utan um ísóp, þeir færðu honum það að munni.
19:30 Þá Jesús, þegar hann hafði fengið edikið, sagði: „Það er fullkomnað“. Og beygði höfuðið, hann gaf upp anda sinn.
19:31 Svo gyðingarnir, því það var undirbúningsdagur, svo að líkin yrðu ekki eftir á krossinum á hvíldardegi (því að sá hvíldardagur var mikill dagur), þeir báðu Pílatus til að fótbrotna mætti, og þeir gætu verið teknir í burtu.
19:32 Þess vegna, hermennirnir nálguðust, og, einmitt, þeir fótbrotnuðu á þeim fyrri, og af hinum sem krossfestur var með honum.
19:33 En eftir að þeir höfðu nálgast Jesú, þegar þeir sáu að hann var þegar dauður, þeir fótbrotnuðu ekki.
19:34 Í staðinn, einn hermannanna opnaði hlið sína með lansa, og þegar fór út blóð og vatn.
19:35 And he who saw this has offered testimony, and his testimony is true. And he knows that he speaks the truth, so that you also may believe.
19:36 For these things happened so that the Scripture would be fulfilled: “You shall not break a bone of him.”
19:37 Og aftur, another Scripture says: “They shall look upon him, whom they have pierced.”
19:38 Þá, eftir þessa hluti, Joseph from Arimathea, (because he was a disciple of Jesus, but a secret one for fear of the Jews) petitioned Pilate so that he might take away the body of Jesus. And Pilate gave permission. Þess vegna, he went and took away the body of Jesus.
19:39 Now Nicodemus also arrived, (who had gone to Jesus at first by night) bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloe, weighing about seventy pounds.
19:40 Þess vegna, they took the body of Jesus, and they bound it with linen cloths and the aromatic spices, just as it is the manner of the Jews to bury.
19:41 Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden there was a new tomb, in which no one had yet been laid.
19:42 Þess vegna, because of the preparation day of the Jews, since the tomb was nearby, they placed Jesus there.


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