June 7, 2014

The Acts of the Apostles 28: 16-20, 30-31

28:16 And when we had arrived at Rome, Paul was given permission to stay by himself, with a soldier to guard him.
28:17 And after the third day, he called together the leaders of the Jews. And when they had convened, 彼は彼らに言った: 「高貴な兄弟たち, I have done nothing against the people, nor against the customs of the fathers, yet I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.
28:18 And after they held a hearing about me, they would have released me, because there was no case for death against me.
28:19 But with the Jews speaking against me, I was constrained to appeal to Caesar, though it was not as if I had any kind of accusation against my own nation.
28:20 など, このため, I requested to see you and to speak to you. For it is because of the hope of Israel that I am encircled with this chain.”
28:30 Then he remained for two whole years in his own rented lodgings. And he received all who went in to him,
28:31 preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which are from the Lord Jesus Christ, with all faithfulness, without prohibition.

The Conclusion of the Holy Gospel of John: 21: 20-25

21:20 ピーター, 振り向きます, イエスが愛した弟子がついて来るのを見た, その人も夕食時に胸に寄りかかって言った。, "主, あなたを裏切るのは誰ですか?」
21:21 したがって, ピーターが彼を見たとき, 彼はイエスに言った, "主, でもこれはどうですか?」
21:22 イエスは彼に言った。: 「もし私が戻るまで彼に残って欲しいなら, それはあなたにとって何ですか? あなたは私に従ってください。」
21:23 したがって, この弟子は死なないだろうという話が兄弟たちの間で広まった. しかしイエスは彼に「死なない」とは言わなかった, だけ, 「もし私が戻るまで彼に残って欲しいなら, それはあなたにとって何ですか?」
21:24 これはこれらのことについて証言しているのと同じ弟子です, そして、誰がこれらのことを書いたのか. そして私たちは彼の証言が真実であることを知っています.
21:25 さて、イエスがなさったことは他にもたくさんあります, どれの, それぞれを書き留めていたら, 世界そのもの, たぶん, これから書かれる本を入れることはできないだろう.


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