行進 25, 2014


イザヤ 7: 10-14, 8:10

7:10 And the Lord spoke further to Ahaz, 言って:
7:11 Ask for a sign for yourself from the Lord your God, from the depths below, even to the heights above.
7:12 And Ahaz said, “I will not ask, for I will not tempt the Lord.”
7:13 そして彼は言った: “Then listen, O house of David. Is it such a small thing for you to trouble men, that you must also trouble my God?
7:14 このために, the Lord himself will grant to you a sign. 見よ, a virgin will conceive, and she will give birth to a son, and his name will be called Immanuel.
8:10 Undertake a plan, and it will be dissipated! Speak a word, and it will not be done! For God is with us.

Second Reading

ヘブライ人への手紙 10: 4-10

10:4 For it is impossible for sins to be taken away by the blood of oxen and goats.
10:5 このために, as Christ enters into the world, 彼は言う: “Sacrifice and oblation, you did not want. But you have fashioned a body for me.
10:6 Holocausts for sin were not pleasing to you.
10:7 Then I said, 「見よ, I draw near.’ At the head of the book, it has been written of me that I should do your will, O God.”
10:8 In the above, と言うことで, “Sacrifices, and oblations, and holocausts for sin, you did not want, nor are those things pleasing to you, which are offered according to the law;
10:9 then I said, 「見よ, I have come to do your will, おお神よ,’ ” he takes away the first, so that he may establish what follows.
10:10 For by this will, we have been sanctified, through the one time oblation of the body of Jesus Christ.


The Holy Gospel According to Luke 1: 26-38

1:26 それから, 6か月目に, the Angel Gabriel was sent by God, to a city of Galilee named Nazareth,
1:27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the name of the virgin was Mary.
1:28 そして入ると, the Angel said to her: "雹, full of grace. 主はあなたとともにおられます. あなたは女性の中で祝福されています。」
1:29 そして彼女がこれを聞いたとき、, 彼女は彼の言葉に動揺した, そして彼女はこれがどんな挨拶になるかを考えました.
1:30 そして天使は彼女に言った: "恐れることはありません, メアリー, あなたは神の恵みを見つけたからです.
1:31 見よ, あなたはあなたの子宮で妊娠するでしょう, そしてあなたは息子を産むでしょう, そしてあなたは彼の名前を呼ぶでしょう: イエス.
1:32 彼はきっと素晴らしい人になるだろう, そして彼はいと高き者の子と呼ばれるだろう, そうすれば主なる神は彼に父ダビデの王座を与えられるであろう. そして彼は永遠にヤコブの家を統治するでしょう.
1:33 そして彼の王国には終わりがない。」
1:34 そこでマリアは天使に言った。, 「これはどうやってやるのでしょう, 私は人間を知らないので?」
1:35 そしてそれに応えて, the Angel said to her: 「聖霊があなたの上を通り過ぎるでしょう, そして至高者の力があなたを覆うでしょう. そしてこれのせいで、, the Holy One who will be born of you shall be called the Son of God.
1:36 そして見よ, your cousin Elizabeth has herself also conceived a son, in her old age. And this is the sixth month for her who is called barren.
1:37 For no word will be impossible with God.”
1:38 Then Mary said: 「見よ, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.” And the Angel departed from her.


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