November 2, 2014


Wijsheid 3: 1-9

3:1 But the souls of the just are in the hand of God and no torment of death will touch them.
3:2 In the eyes of the foolish, they seemed to die, and their departure was considered an affliction,
3:3 and their going away from us, a banishment. Yet they are in peace.
3:4 And though, in the sight of men, they suffered torments, their hope is full of immortality.
3:5 Troubled in few things, in many things they will be well compensated, because God has tested them and found them worthy of himself.
3:6 Like gold in the furnace, he has proved them, and as a holocaust victim, he has received them, and in the time of their visitation
3:7 they will shine, and they will dash about like sparks among stubble.
3:8 They will judge the nations and they will rule over the people, and their Lord will reign forever.
3:9 Those who trust in him, will understand the truth, and those who are faithful in love will rest in him, because grace and peace is for his elect.

Tweede lezing

Letter of Romans 5: 5-11

5:5 maar de hoop is niet ongegrond, omdat de liefde van God door de Heilige Geest in onze harten wordt uitgestort, die ons is gegeven.
5:6 Maar waarom deed Christus dat?, terwijl wij nog zwak waren, op het juiste moment, de dood ondergaan voor de goddelozen?
5:7 Nu is iemand misschien nauwelijks bereid om te sterven ter wille van de gerechtigheid, Bijvoorbeeld, misschien durft iemand te sterven ter wille van een goed mens.
5:8 Maar God toont daarin zijn liefde voor ons, terwijl wij nog zondaars waren, op het juiste moment,
5:9 Christus stierf voor ons. Daarom, nu gerechtvaardigd door zijn bloed, des te meer zullen wij door hem van de toorn worden gered.
5:10 Want als wij met God verzoend zouden zijn door de dood van zijn Zoon, terwijl wij nog vijanden waren, des te meer, verzoend te zijn, zullen wij gered worden door zijn leven.
5:11 En niet alleen dat, maar wij roemen ook in God door onze Heer Jezus Christus, door wie wij nu verzoening hebben ontvangen.


John 6:37-40

6:37 All that the Father gives to me shall come to me. And whoever comes to me, I will not cast out.
6:38 For I descended from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
6:39 Yet this is the will of the Father who sent me: that I should lose nothing out of all that he has given to me, but that I should raise them up on the last day.
6:40 Dus dan, this is the will of my Father who sent me: that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”


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