August 17, 2014


イザヤ 56: 1 ,6-7

56:1 主はこう言われる: Preserve judgment, and accomplish justice. For my salvation is close to its arrival, and my justice is close to being revealed.

56:6 And the sons of the new arrival, who adhere to the Lord so as to worship him and to love his name, shall be his servants: all who keep the Sabbath without profaning it, and who hold to my covenant.

56:7 I will lead them to my holy mountain, and I will gladden them in my house of prayer. Their holocausts and their victims will be pleasing to me upon my altar. For my house will be called the house of prayer for all peoples.

Second Reading

ローマ人 11: 13-15, 29-34

11:13 私は異邦人に言います。: そうです, 私が異邦人への使徒である限り, 私は自分の奉仕を尊重します,

11:14 私自身の肉である人々に対抗するように私を挑発するかもしれないような方法で, そして、私はそれらのいくつかを救うことができるように.

11:15 彼らの喪失が世界の和解のためなら, 彼らの帰還は何のためにあるのでしょうか, 死から生を除いて?

11:29 神の賜物と召しには後悔がないからです. 11:30 そしてあなたと同じように, 過去に, 神を信じていなかった, しかし今、あなたは彼らの不信仰のために憐れみを得ました, 11:31 これらも今では信じられない, あなたの慈悲のために, 彼らもまた憐れみを受けるために.

11:32 神はすべての人を不信仰に閉じ込めたからです, 彼がすべての人を憐れんでくださるように.

11:33 おお, 神の知恵と知識の豊かさの深さ! 彼の判断はなんと不可解なことか, そして彼の道はどれほど探りがたいものか!

11:34 誰が主の心を知ったのか? または誰が彼のカウンセラーでしたか?


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 15: 21-28

31:1 “In that time, 主は言われる, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my people.”
31:2 主はこう言われる: “The people who had remained after the sword, found grace in the desert. Israel will go to his rest.”
31:3 The Lord appeared to me from a distance: “And I have loved you in perpetual charity. したがって, showing pity, I have drawn you.
31:4 And I will build you up again. And you shall be built up, O virgin of Israel. Still shall you be adorned with your timbrels, and still shall you go forth to the singing of those who play.
31:5 Still shall you plant vineyards on the mountains of Samaria. The planters will plant, and they will not gather the vintage until the time arrives.
31:6 For there will be a day on which the guardians on mount Ephraim will cry out: ‘Arise! And let us ascend on Zion to the Lord our God!「」
31:7 主はこう言われるからです: “Exult in the joy of Jacob, and neigh before the head of the Gentiles. Shout, and sing, そして、言います: ‘O Lord, save your people, イスラエルの残党!」




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