January 27, 2015


ヘブライ人への手紙 10: 1-10

10:1 For the law contains the shadow of future good things, not the very image of these things. それで, by the very same sacrifices which they offer ceaselessly each year, they can never cause these to approach perfection.
10:2 さもないと, they would have ceased to be offered, because the worshipers, once cleansed, would no longer be conscious of any sin.
10:3 その代わり, in these things, a commemoration of sins is made every year.
10:4 For it is impossible for sins to be taken away by the blood of oxen and goats.
10:5 このために, as Christ enters into the world, 彼は言う: “Sacrifice and oblation, you did not want. But you have fashioned a body for me.
10:6 Holocausts for sin were not pleasing to you.
10:7 Then I said, 「見よ, I draw near.’ At the head of the book, it has been written of me that I should do your will, O God.”
10:8 In the above, と言うことで, “Sacrifices, and oblations, and holocausts for sin, you did not want, nor are those things pleasing to you, which are offered according to the law;
10:9 then I said, 「見よ, I have come to do your will, おお神よ,’ ” he takes away the first, so that he may establish what follows.
10:10 For by this will, we have been sanctified, through the one time oblation of the body of Jesus Christ.


The Holy Gospel According to Mark 3: 31-35

3:31 そして彼の母親と兄弟が到着しました. そして外に立って, 彼らは彼に送りました, 彼に電話する.
3:32 そして群衆が彼の周りに座っていた. そして彼らは彼に言った, 「見よ, あなたのお母さんとあなたの兄弟は外にいる, あなたを探しています。」
3:33 そしてそれらに応えて, 彼は言った, 「私の母と兄弟は誰ですか?」
3:34 そして彼の周りに座っていた人たちを見回して, 彼は言った: 「見よ, 私の母と私の兄弟たち.
3:35 神の御心を行った者には, 私の兄弟も同じです, そして妹と母も。」


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