Ianuarii 25, 2015

Lectio prima

The Book of the Prophet Jonah 3: 1-10

3:1 Et factum est verbum Domini ad Ionam secundo, dicens:
3:2 Surge, et vade in Nineven, civitas magna. et praedica in ea praedicationem quam ego dico vobis.
3:3 Et surrexit Ionas, et abiit in Nineven iuxta verbum Domini. Et Ninive erat magna civitas trium dierum.
3:4 Et coepit Ionas introire in civitatem itinere diei unius. Et clamavit et dixit, et delebitur Ninive et quadraginta dies.
3:5 et crediderunt viri Ninevitae in Deo. Et praedicaverunt ieiunium, et induunt saccum, a maximo usque ad minimum.
3:6 Et pervenit verbum ad regem Ninive. Et surrexit de solio suo, et abiecit pallium suum a se et indutus est sacco, et sedit in cinere.
3:7 Et clamavit et dixit: "In Ninive", ex ore regis et principum eius, dicatur: homines et bestiae et boves et oves non possunt gustare quicquam. non pascent aquam neque bibent.
3:8 Et homines et iumenta induantur saccis, et clament ad Dominum in virtute, et convertatur homo a via sua mala, et ab iniquitate quae est in manibus eorum.
3:9 quis scit si Deus convertat et dimittat, et avertat furorem suum, ne nos pereamus?"
3:10 Et vidit Deus opera eorum, conversi sunt de via sua mala. Et misertus est eorum Deus, de damno quod eis se facturum esse dixerat, et non fecit.


Lectio secunda

The First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians 7: 29-31

7:29 Itaque, this is what I say, fratres: The time is short. What remains of it is such that: those who have wives should be as if they had none;
7:30 and those who weep, as though they were not weeping; and those who rejoice, as if they were not rejoicing; and those who buy, as if they possessed nothing;
7:31 and those who use the things of this world, as if they were not using them. For the figure of this world is passing away.



Lectio sancti Evangelii secundum Marcum 1: 14-20

1:14 deinde, after John was handed over, Jesus went into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God,
1:15 et dicens: “For the time has been fulfilled and the kingdom of God has drawn near. Repent and believe in the Gospel.”
1:16 And passing by the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew, casting nets into the sea, for they were fishermen.
1:17 Jesus autem dixit eis, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
1:18 And at once abandoning their nets, secuti sunt eum.
1:19 And continuing on a little ways from there, he saw James of Zebedee and his brother John, and they were mending their nets in a boat.
1:20 And immediately he called them. And leaving behind their father Zebedee in the boat with his hired hands, secuti sunt eum.



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