apríla 27, 2024

aktov 13: 44- 52

13:44Napriek tomu skutočne, v nasledujúcu sobotu, takmer celé mesto sa zišlo, aby počulo Slovo Božie.
13:45Potom Židia, vidieť davy, boli plné závisti, a oni, rúhanie, odporovalo tomu, čo povedal Pavol.
13:46Potom Pavol a Barnabáš pevne povedali: „Bolo potrebné najprv vám povedať Slovo Božie. Ale preto, že to odmietaš, a tak sa posudzujte za nehodných večného života, hľa, obrátime sa na pohanov.
13:47Lebo tak nás prikázal Pán: „Postavil som ťa za svetlo pohanom, aby si priniesol spásu až do končín zeme.‘ “
13:48Potom pohania, po vypočutí tohto, boli radi, a oslavovali Slovo Pánovo. A všetci, ktorí uverili, boli predurčení k večnému životu.
13:49Teraz sa slovo Pánovo rozšírilo po celom kraji.
13:50Ale Židia podnecovali niektoré zbožné a čestné ženy, a vedúcich predstaviteľov mesta. A vyvolali prenasledovanie proti Pavlovi a Barnabášovi. A vyhnali ich z ich častí.
13:51Ale oni, striasa proti nim prach z nôh, pokračoval do Iconium.
13:52Aj učeníci boli naplnení radosťou a Duchom Svätým.

John 14: 7- 14

14:7If you had known me, certainly you would also have known my Father. And from now on, you shall know him, and you have seen him.”
14:8Philip said to him, „Pane, reveal the Father to us, and it is enough for us.”
14:9Ježiš mu povedal: “Have I been with you for so long, and you have not known me? Philip, whoever sees me, also sees the Father. How can you say, ‘Reveal the Father to us?'
14:10Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I am speaking to you, I do not speak from myself. But the Father abiding in me, he does these works.
14:11Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?
14:12Or else, believe because of these same works. Amen, amen, hovorím ti, whoever believes in me shall also do the works that I do. And greater things than these shall he do, for I go to the Father.
14:13And whatever you shall ask the Father in my name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14:14If you shall ask anything of me in my name, that I will do.