apríla 9, 2024


The Acts of the Apostles 4: 32-37

4:32Vtedy bolo množstvo veriacich jedného srdca a jednej duše. Nikto tiež nepovedal, že niektorá z vecí, ktoré vlastnil, bola jeho, ale všetko im bolo spoločné.
4:33A s veľkou silou, apoštoli vydávali svedectvo o zmŕtvychvstaní Ježiša Krista, nášho Pána. A vo všetkých bola veľká milosť.
4:34A nikto z nich nebol v núdzi. Lebo koľko bolo vlastníkov polí či domov, predaj týchto, prinášali výnosy z vecí, ktoré predávali,
4:35a kládli ho pred nohy apoštolov. Potom sa to rozdelilo každému, presne ako potreboval.
4:36Teraz Jozef, ktorého apoštoli nazvali Barnabášom (čo sa prekladá ako „syn útechy“), ktorý bol levita cypriánskeho pôvodu,
4:37keďže mal pozemok, predal to, a priniesol výťažok a položil ich k nohám apoštolov.


The Holy Gospel According to John 3: 7-15

3:7You should not be amazed that I said to you: You must be born anew.
3:8The Spirit inspires where he wills. And you hear his voice, but you do not know where he comes from, or where he is going. So it is with all who are born of the Spirit.”
3:9Nicodemus responded and said to him, “How are these things able to be accomplished?“
3:10Jesus responded and said to him: “You are a teacher in Israel, and you are ignorant of these things?
3:11Amen, amen, hovorím ti, that we speak about what we know, and we testify about what we have seen. But you do not accept our testimony.
3:12If I have spoken to you about earthly things, and you have not believed, then how will you believe, if I will speak to you about heavenly things?
3:13And no one has ascended to heaven, except the one who descended from heaven: the Son of man who is in heaven.
3:14And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so also must the Son of man be lifted up,
3:15so that whoever believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life.