January 11, 2015

Prvé čítanie

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7

42:1 Behold my servant, I will uphold him, my elect, with him my soul is well-pleased. I have sent my Spirit upon him. He will offer judgment to the nations.
42:2 He will not cry out, and he will not show favoritism to anyone; neither will his voice be heard abroad.
42:3 The bruised reed he will not break, and the smoldering wick he will not extinguish. He will lead forth judgment unto truth.
42:4 He will not be saddened or troubled, until he establishes judgment on earth. And the islands will await his law.
42:6 ja, the Lord, have called you in justice, and I have taken your hand and preserved you. And I have presented you as a covenant of the people, as a light to the Gentiles,
42:7 so that you may open the eyes of the blind, and lead out the prisoner from confinement and those sitting in darkness from the house of incarceration.

Druhé čítanie

The Acts of the Apostles 10: 34-38

10:34 Potom, Peter, otvára ústa, povedal: „Skutočne som dospel k záveru, že Boh nerešpektuje osoby.
10:35 Ale v rámci každého národa, kto sa ho bojí a koná právo, je mu milý.
10:36 Boh poslal Slovo synom Izraela, ohlasovanie pokoja skrze Ježiša Krista, lebo on je Pánom všetkých.
10:37 Viete, že Slovo sa stalo známym v celej Judei. Pre začiatok z Galiley, po krste, ktorý Ján kázal,
10:38 Ježiš Nazaretský, ktorého Boh pomazal Duchom Svätým a mocou, cestovali, robili dobro a uzdravovali všetkých utláčaných diablom. Lebo Boh bol s ním.



The Holy Gospel According to Luke 1: 7-11

1:7 And he preached, hovorí: “One stronger than me comes after me. I am not worthy to reach down and loosen the laces of his shoes.
1:8 I have baptized you with water. Napriek tomu skutočne, he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
1:9 A stalo sa tak, v týchto dňoch, Jesus arrived from Nazareth of Galilee. And he was baptized by John in the Jordan.
1:10 A hneď, upon ascending from the water, he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit, like a dove, zostupne, and remaining with him.
1:11 And there was a voice from heaven: “You are my beloved Son; in you I am well pleased.


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