July 30, 2015


Exodus 40: 16- 21, 34- 36

40:16 And Moses raised it up, and he positioned the panels as well as the bases and the bars, and he set up the columns,

40:17 and he stretched out the roof over the tabernacle, imposing a cover above it, just as the Lord had decreed.

40:18 And he placed the testimony in the ark, applying the bars beneath, and the oracle above.

40:19 And when he had brought the ark into the tabernacle, he drew the veil before it, in order to fulfill the commandment of the Lord.

40:20 And he placed the table in the tabernacle of the testimony, at the north side, beyond the veil,

40:21 arranging before it the bread of the presence, ako Pán prikázal Mojžišovi.

40:34 Whenever the cloud departed from the tabernacle, the sons of Israel set out by their companies.

40:35 But if it remained hanging over it, zostali na tom istom mieste.

40:36 určite, the cloud of the Lord lay over the tabernacle by day, and the fire by night, being seen by all the people of Israel throughout all their resting places.


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 13: 47-53

13:47 Opäť, nebeské kráľovstvo je ako sieť hodená do mora, ktorý zhromažďuje všetky druhy rýb.
13:48 Keď sa naplní, vytiahol a posadil sa vedľa brehu, vybrali dobro do nádob, ale to zlé zahodili.
13:49 Tak to bude pri dovŕšení veku. Anjeli vyjdú a oddelia zlých od spravodlivých.
13:50 A hodia ich do ohnivej pece, kde bude plač a škrípanie zubami.
13:51 Rozumeli ste všetkým týmto veciam??“ Hovoria mu, "Áno."
13:52 Povedal im, "Preto, každý zákonník dobre učený o nebeskom kráľovstve, je ako muž, otec rodiny, ktorý ponúka zo svojho skladu nové aj staré.“
13:53 A stalo sa tak, keď Ježiš dokončil tieto podobenstvá, odišiel odtiaľ preč.




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