marca 29, 2015

Prvé čítanie

Izaiáš 50: 4-7

50:4 The Lord has given me a learned tongue, so that I would know how to uphold with a word, one who has weakened. He rises in the morning, he rises to my ear in the morning, so that I may heed him like a teacher.
50:5 The Lord God has opened my ear. And I do not contradict him. I have not turned back.
50:6 I have given my body to those who strike me, and my cheeks to those who plucked them. I have not averted my face from those who rebuked me and who spit on me.
50:7 The Lord God is my helper. Preto, I have not been confounded. Preto, I have set my face like a very hard rock, and I know that I will not be confounded.

Druhé čítanie

Saint Paul’s Letter to Philippians 2:6-11

2:6 SZO, hoci bol v podobe Boha, nepovažoval rovnosť s Bohom za niečo, čo by sa malo chytiť.
2:7 Namiesto toho, vyprázdnil sa, v podobe sluhu, stvorený na podobu ľudí, a akceptovanie stavu človeka.
2:8 Ponížil sa, stať sa poslušným až do smrti, aj smrť kríža.
2:9 Kvôli tomu, Boh ho tiež povýšil a dal mu meno, ktoré je nad každé meno,
2:10 takže, v mene Ježiš, každé koleno by sa zohlo, tých v nebi, tých na zemi, a tých v pekle,
2:11 a aby každý jazyk vyznal, že Pán Ježiš Kristus je v sláve Boha Otca.


The Passion of Jesus Christ According to Luke 22: 14-23: 56

22:14 A keď prišla hodina, sadol si za stôl, a dvanásti apoštoli s ním.
22:15 A on im povedal: „Túžobne som túžil jesť túto Veľkú noc s vami, než budem trpieť.
22:16 Lebo ti hovorím, že od tejto doby, nebudem to jesť, kým sa nenaplní v Božom kráľovstve“.
22:17 A keď vzal kalich, poďakoval, a povedal: „Vezmite si to a podeľte sa o to medzi sebou.
22:18 Lebo ti hovorím, že nebudem piť z plodu viniča, kým nepríde kráľovstvo Božie."
22:19 A brať chlieb, poďakoval, zlomil a dal im, hovorí: „Toto je moje telo, ktorý je daný pre vás. Urobte to na moju pamiatku."
22:20 Podobne tiež, vzal kalich, potom, čo zjedol jedlo, hovorí: „Tento kalich je novou zmluvou v mojej krvi, ktorý sa pre teba vysype.
22:21 Ale po pravde, hľa, ruka môjho zradcu je so mnou pri stole.
22:22 A skutočne, Syn človeka ide podľa toho, čo bolo určené. A aj tak, beda tomu človeku, ktorý ho zradí.“
22:23 A začali sa medzi sebou pýtať, o tom, kto z nich by to mohol urobiť.
22:24 Teraz medzi nimi došlo aj k hádke, o tom, ktorý z nich sa zdal byť väčší.
22:25 A on im povedal: „Vládnu nad nimi králi pohanov; a tí, ktorí majú nad nimi autoritu, sa nazývajú dobročinnými.
22:26 Ale u vás to tak byť nesmie. Namiesto toho, kto je medzi vami väčší, nech sa stane tým menším. A ktokoľvek je vodca, nech sa stane serverom.
22:27 Lebo kto je väčší: ten, kto sedí pri stole, alebo ten, kto slúži? Nie je ten, kto sedí pri stole? A predsa som v tvojom strede ako ten, kto slúži.
22:28 Ale vy ste tí, ktorí zostali so mnou počas mojich skúšok.
22:29 A ja ti disponujem, tak, ako mi prikázal môj Otec, kráľovstvo,
22:30 aby ste jedli a pili pri mojom stole v mojom kráľovstve, a aby ste mohli sedieť na trónoch, súdiť dvanásť kmeňov Izraela“.
22:31 A Pán povedal: "Simon, Simon! Hľa, Satan požiadal o teba, aby vás preosial ako pšenicu.
22:32 Ale ja som sa za teba modlil, aby vaša viera nezlyhala, a tak, že vy, raz konvertovaný, môže potvrdiť tvojich bratov."
22:33 A on mu povedal, „Pane, Som pripravený ísť s tebou, aj do väzenia a na smrť."
22:34 A povedal, "Hovorím ti, Peter, kohút dnes nezaspieva, kým si trikrát nezaprel, že ma poznáš." A on im povedal,
22:35 „Keď som ťa poslal bez peňazí, zásob a topánok, chýbalo ti niečo??“
22:36 A povedali, "Nič." Potom im povedal: "Ale teraz, nech si vezme kto má peniaze, a podobne aj s ustanoveniami. A kto ich nemá, nech predá svoj kabát a kúpi si meč.
22:37 Lebo ti hovorím, že to, čo bolo napísané, sa musí vo mne ešte splniť: ‚A vážili si ho bezbožní.‘ No aj tieto veci o mne majú svoj koniec.“
22:38 Tak povedali, „Pane, hľa, sú tu dva meče." Ale on im povedal, "Je to dostatočné."
22:39 A odchod, vyšiel von, podľa jeho zvyku, na Olivovú horu. A nasledovali ho aj jeho učeníci.
22:40 A keď prišiel na miesto, povedal im: „Modlite sa, aby si neprišiel do pokušenia."
22:41 A delil ho od nich asi čo by kameňom dohodil. A pokľaknúť, modlil sa,
22:42 hovorí: „Otec, ak si ochotný, vezmi odo mňa tento kalich. Napriek tomu skutočne, nech nie je moja vôľa, ale tvoj, byť hotový."
22:43 Potom sa mu zjavil anjel z neba, posilniť ho. A byť v agónii, intenzívnejšie sa modlil;
22:44 a tak sa jeho pot stal ako kvapky krvi, beží na zem.
22:45 A keď vstal od modlitby a odišiel k svojim učeníkom, našiel ich spať od smútku.
22:46 A on im povedal: "Prečo spíš? Vstaň, modliť sa, aby si neprišiel do pokušenia."
22:47 Kým ešte hovoril, hľa, prišiel dav. A ten, ktorý sa volá Judáš, jeden z dvanástich, išiel pred nimi a priblížil sa k Ježišovi, aby som ho pobozkala.
22:48 A Ježiš mu povedal, „Juda, bozkom zrádzaš Syna človeka??“
22:49 Potom tí, ktorí boli okolo neho, uvedomenie si toho, čo sa bude diať, povedal mu: „Pane, udrieme mečom?“
22:50 A jeden z nich udrel sluhu najvyššieho kňaza a odťal mu pravé ucho.
22:51 Ale ako odpoveď, Ježiš povedal, "Dovoľte aj toto." A keď sa dotkol jeho ucha, uzdravil ho.
22:52 Potom Ježiš povedal predstaveným kňazov, a správcov chrámu, a starší, ktorí k nemu prišli: "Išiel si von?", ako proti zlodejovi, s mečmi a palicami?
22:53 Keď som bol s vami každý deň v chráme, nevystrel si proti mne ruky. Ale toto je vaša hodina a hodina moci temnoty."
22:54 A zatknúť ho, viedli ho do domu veľkňaza. Napriek tomu skutočne, Peter ho z diaľky nasledoval.
22:55 Teraz, keď sedeli okolo ohňa, ktorý bol zapálený v strede átria, Peter bol medzi nimi.
22:56 A keď ho istá slúžka videla sedieť v jej svetle, a uprene naňho hľadel, povedala, "Aj tento bol s ním."
22:57 Ten ho však poprel slovami, „Žena, Nepoznám ho."
22:58 A po malej chvíli, ďalší, vidieť ho, povedal, "Aj ty si jeden z nich." Peter však povedal, "Ó človeče, Ja niesom."
22:59 A po uplynutí asi jednej hodiny, niekto iný to potvrdil, hovorí: "Naozaj, bol s ním aj tento. Lebo aj on je Galilejčan."
22:60 A Peter povedal: "Muž, Neviem, čo hovoríš." A naraz, kým ešte hovoril, zakikiríkal kohút.
22:61 A Pán sa otočil a pozrel na Petra. A Peter si spomenul na slovo Pánovo, ktoré povedal: „Lebo skôr, než kohút zaspieva, trikrát ma zaprieš."
22:62 A ísť von, Peter horko plakal.
22:63 A muži, ktorí ho držali, sa mu posmievali a bili ho.
22:64 A zaviazali mu oči a opakovane ho udierali do tváre. A pýtali sa ho, hovorí: „Prorokuj! Kto ťa napadol?“
22:65 A rúhanie sa mnohými inými spôsobmi, hovorili proti nemu.
22:66 A keď bol deň, starší ľudu, a vodcovia kňazov, a zišli sa zákonníci. A priviedli ho do svojej rady, hovorí, „Ak si ty Kristus, povedz nám."
22:67 A on im povedal: "Ak ti poviem, nebudeš mi veriť.
22:68 A ak sa spýtam aj teba, neodpovieš mi. Ani ty ma neprepustíš.
22:69 Ale od tejto doby, Syn človeka bude sedieť po pravici Božej moci."
22:70 Potom všetci povedali, „Takže ty si Boží Syn?“ A povedal. "Hovoríš, že som."
22:71 A povedali: „Prečo stále vyžadujeme svedectvo? Lebo sme to sami počuli, z jeho vlastných úst."

23:1 And the entire multitude of them, stúpajúc hore, led him to Pilate.
23:2 Then they began to accuse him, hovorí, “We found this one subverting our nation, and prohibiting giving tribute to Caesar, and saying that he is Christ the king.”
23:3 And Pilate questioned him, hovorí: „Si kráľ Židov?” But in response, povedal: “You are saying it.”
23:4 Then Pilate said to the leaders of the priests and to the crowds, “I find no case against this man.”
23:5 But they continued more intensely, hovorí: “He has stirred up the people, teaching throughout all of Judea, beginning from Galilee, even to this place.”
23:6 But Pilate, upon hearing Galilee, asked if the man were of Galilee.
23:7 And when he realized that he was under Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent him away to Herod, who was himself also at Jerusalem in those days.
23:8 Then Herod, upon seeing Jesus, was very glad. For he had been wanting to see him for a long time, because he had heard so many things about him, and he was hoping to see some kind of sign wrought by him.
23:9 Then he questioned him with many words. But he gave him no response at all.
23:10 A vodcovia kňazov, a pisári, stood firm in persistently accusing him.
23:11 Then Herod, with his soldiers, scorned him. And he ridiculed him, clothing him in a white garment. And he sent him back to Pilate.
23:12 And Herod and Pilate became friends on that day. For previously they were enemies to one another.
23:13 And Pilate, calling together the leaders of the priests, a sudcovia, and the people,
23:14 povedal im: “You have brought before me this man, as one who disturbs the people. A hľa, having questioned him before you, I find no case against this man, in those things about which you accuse him.
23:15 And neither did Herod. For I sent you all to him, a hľa, nothing deserving of death was recorded about him.
23:16 Preto, I will chastise him and release him.”
23:17 Now he was required to release one person for them on the feast day.
23:18 But the entire crowd exclaimed together, hovorí: “Take this one, and release to us Barabbas!“
23:19 Now he had been cast into prison because of a certain sedition that occurred in the city and for murder.
23:20 Then Pilate spoke to them again, wanting to release Jesus.
23:21 But they shouted in response, hovorí: “Crucify him! Crucify him!“
23:22 Then he said to them a third time: “Why? What evil has he done? I find no case against him for death. Preto, I will chastise him and release him.”
23:23 But they persisted, with loud voices, in demanding that he be crucified. And their voices increased in intensity.
23:24 And so Pilate issued a judgment granting their petition.
23:25 Then he released for them the one who had been cast into prison for murder and sedition, whom they were requesting. Napriek tomu skutočne, Jesus he handed over to their will.
23:26 And as they were leading him away, they apprehended a certain one, Simon of Cyrene, as he was returning from the countryside. And they imposed the cross on him to carry after Jesus.
23:27 Then a great crowd of people followed him, with women who were mourning and lamenting him.
23:28 Ale Ježiš, turning to them, povedal: “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep over me. Namiesto toho, weep over yourselves and over your children.
23:29 Pre hľa, the days will arrive in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that have not borne, and the breasts that have not nursed.’
23:30 Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall over us,“ a do kopcov, ‘Cover us.’
23:31 For if they do these things with green wood, what will be done with the dry?“
23:32 Now they also led out two other criminals with him, in order to execute them.
23:33 And when they arrived at the place that is called Calvary, they crucified him there, with the robbers, one to the right and the other to the left.
23:34 Then Jesus said, „Otec, forgive them. For they know not what they do.” And truly, dividing his garments, losujú.
23:35 And people were standing near, watching. And the leaders among them derided him, hovorí: „Zachránil ostatných. Let him save himself, if this one is the Christ, the elect of God.”
23:36 And the soldiers also ridiculed him, approaching him and offering him vinegar,
23:37 a hovorí, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.”
23:38 Now there was also an inscription written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
23:39 And one of those robbers who were hanging blasphemed him, hovorí, „Ak si ty Kristus, save yourself and us.”
23:40 But the other responded by rebuking him, hovorí: “Do you have no fear of God, since you are under the same condemnation?
23:41 A skutočne, it is just for us. For we are receiving what our deeds deserve. Ale naozaj, this one has done nothing wrong.”
23:42 And he said to Jesus, „Pane, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
23:43 A Ježiš mu povedal, “Amen I say to you, this day you shall be with me in Paradise.”
23:44 Now it was nearly the sixth hour, and a darkness occurred over the entire earth, until the ninth hour.
23:45 And the sun was obscured. And the veil of the temple was torn down the middle.
23:46 A Ježiš, kričí silným hlasom, povedal: „Otec, into your hands I commend my spirit.” And upon saying this, vypršal.
23:47 Teraz, the centurion, seeing what had happened, glorified God, hovorí, "Naozaj, this man was the Just One.”
23:48 And the entire crowd of those who came together to see this spectacle also saw what had happened, and they returned, striking their breasts.
23:49 Now all those who knew him, and the women who had followed him from Galilee, were standing at a distance, watching these things.
23:50 A hľa, there was a man named Joseph, who was a councilman, a good and just man,
23:51 (for he had not consented to their decision or their actions). He was from Arimathea, a city of Judea. And he was himself also anticipating the kingdom of God.
23:52 This man approached Pilate and petitioned for the body of Jesus.
23:53 And taking him down, he wrapped him in a fine linen cloth, and he placed him in a tomb hewn from rock, in which no one had ever been placed.
23:54 And it was the day of Preparation, and the Sabbath was drawing near.
23:55 Now the women who had come with him from Galilee, by following, saw the tomb and the manner in which his body was placed.
23:56 And upon returning, they prepared aromatic spices and ointments. But on the Sabbath, naozaj, they rested, according to the commandment.


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