Smieť 1, 2014


The Acts of the Apostles 5: 27-33

5:27 A keď ich priniesli, postavili ich pred radu. A veľkňaz sa ich spýtal,
5:28 a povedal: „Dôrazne vám nariaďujeme, aby ste v tomto mene neučili. Pre hľa, naplnil si Jeruzalem svojím učením, a chceš na nás priviesť krv tohto muža."
5:29 Ale Peter a apoštoli odpovedali slovami: „Je potrebné poslúchať Boha, viac ako muži.
5:30 Boh našich otcov vzkriesil Ježiša, ktorého usmrtíš obesením na strome.
5:31 Je to ten, koho Boh po svojej pravici povýšil ako Vládcu a Spasiteľa, aby ponúkol Izraelu pokánie a odpustenie hriechov.
5:32 A my sme svedkami týchto vecí, s Duchom Svätým, ktorého dal Boh všetkým, ktorí sú mu poslušní."
5:33 Keď počuli tieto veci, boli hlboko zranení, a plánovali ich usmrtiť.


The Holy Gospel According to John 3: 31-36

3:31 He who comes from above, is above everything. He who is from below, is of the earth, and he speaks about the earth. He who comes from heaven is above everything.
3:32 And what he has seen and heard, about this he testifies. And no one accepts his testimony.
3:33 Whoever has accepted his testimony has certified that God is truthful.
3:34 For he whom God has sent speaks the words of God. For God does not give the Spirit by measure.
3:35 The Father loves the Son, and he has given everything into his hand.
3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. But whoever is unbelieving toward the Son shall not see life; instead the wrath of God remains upon him.”


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