Smieť 18, 2014

Prvé čítanie

The Acts of the Apostles 6: 1-7

6:1 V týchto dňoch, ako sa počet učeníkov zvyšoval, došlo k reptaniu Grékov proti Hebrejom, pretože s ich vdovami sa v každodennej službe zaobchádzalo pohŕdavo.
6:2 A tak dvanásti, zvolávajúc množstvo učeníkov, povedal: „Nie je fér, aby sme opustili Slovo Božie, aby sme tiež slúžili pri stoloch.
6:3 Preto, bratia, hľadajte medzi sebou siedmich mužov dobrého svedectva, naplnený Duchom Svätým a múdrosťou, koho môžeme poveriť touto prácou.
6:4 Napriek tomu skutočne, budeme neustále v modlitbe a v službe Slova.“
6:5 A plán potešil celý zástup. A vybrali si Štefana, človek naplnený vierou a Duchom Svätým, a Filipa a Prochora a Nikanora a Timona a Parmenasa a Mikuláša, nový príchod z Antiochie.
6:6 Tie predkladali pred očami apoštolov, a pri modlitbe, vložili na nich ruky.
6:7 A Slovo Pánovo pribúdalo, a počet učeníkov v Jeruzaleme sa veľmi rozmnožil. A dokonca aj veľká skupina kňazov bola poslušná viere.

Druhé čítanie

Peter 2: 4-9

2:4 And approaching him as if he were a living stone, rejected by men, určite, but elect and honored by God,

2:5 be also yourselves like living stones, built upon him, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, so as to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

2:6 Kvôli tomu, Scripture asserts: „Hľa, I am setting in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious. And whoever will have believed in him will not be confounded.”

2:7 Preto, to you who believe, he is honor. But to those who do not believe, the stone which the builders have rejected, the same has been made into the head of the corner,

2:8 and a stone of offense, and a rock of scandal, to those who are offended by the Word; neither do they believe, though they also have been built upon him.

2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, an acquired people, so that you may announce the virtues of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.


John 14: 1-12

14:1 A stalo sa tak, when Jesus entered the house of a certain leader of the Pharisees on the Sabbath to eat bread, they were observing him.

14:2 A hľa, a certain man before him was afflicted with edema.

14:3 And responding, Jesus spoke to the experts in the law and to the Pharisees, hovorí, “Is it lawful to cure on the Sabbath?“

14:4 But they kept silent. Napriek tomu skutočne, taking hold of him, he healed him and sent him away.

14:5 And responding to them, povedal, “Which of you will have a donkey or an ox fall into a pit, and will not promptly pull him out, on the day of the Sabbath?“

14:6 And they were unable to respond to him about these things.

14:7 Then he also told a parable, to those who were invited, noticing how they chose the first seats at the table, povedať im:

14:8 “When you are invited to a wedding, do not sit down in the first place, lest perhaps someone more honored than yourself may have been invited by him.

14:9 And then he who called both you and him, blížiace sa, may say to you, ‘Give this place to him.’ And then you would begin, with shame, to take the last place.

14:10 But when you are invited, ísť, sit down in the lowest place, takže, when he who invited you arrives, he may say to you, „Priateľ, go up higher.’ Then you will have glory in the sight of those who sit at table together with you.

14:11 For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”

14:12 Then he also said to the one who had invited him: “When you prepare a lunch or dinner, do not choose to call your friends, or your brothers, or your relatives, or your wealthy neighbors, lest perhaps they might then invite you in return and repayment would made to you.



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