August 8, 2014


Nahum 2: 1, 3: 1-3, 6-7

2:1 Ell ascendeix, qui s'escamparia davant els teus ulls, qui mantindria el bloqueig. Contempla el camí, fortifica l'esquena, reforçar molt la virtut.

3:1 Ai de la ciutat de la sang, ple de tota mena de mentides i violència. El crim no s'allunyarà de tu:

3:2 la veu del fuet, i la veu de les rodes que giren, i del cavall que reneix, i el carro ardent, i els genets que cavalquen,

3:3 i de l'espasa brillant i la llança brillant, i d'una multitud executada i una ruïna greu. Tampoc hi ha fi als cadàvers, i cauran sobre els seus cadàvers.

3:6 I us llançaré abominacions, i t'oferiré amb maltractaments, i us faré un exemple.

3:7 I això serà: tots els que et veuen, es retirarà de tu, i dirà: "Nínive ha estat devastada". Qui sacsejarà el cap sobre tu? On puc buscar consol per a tu?


Mateu 16: 24-28

16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “If anyone is willing to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

16:25 For whoever would save his life, el perdrà. But whoever will have lost his life for my sake, shall find it.

16:26 For how does it benefit a man, if he gains the whole world, yet truly suffers damage to his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

16:27 For the Son of man will arrive in the glory of his Father, with his Angels. And then he will repay each one according to his works.

16:28 Amen I say to you, there are some among those standing here, who shall not taste death, until they see the Son of man arriving in his reign.”


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