January 6, 2015


The Book of the Prophet Isaiah 60: 1-6

60:1 Aixeca't per ser il·luminat, Oh Jerusalem! Perquè la teva llum ha arribat, i la glòria del Senyor ha aixecat sobre vosaltres.
60:2 Perquè vet aquí, la foscor cobrirà la terra, i una foscor espessa cobrirà els pobles. Llavors el Senyor s'aixecarà per sobre de tu, i la seva glòria es veurà en tu.
60:3 I les nacions caminaran a la teva llum, i els reis caminaran per l'esplendor del teu ascens.
60:4 Alça els ulls al voltant i mira! Tots aquests s'han reunit; han arribat abans que tu. Els teus fills arribaran de lluny, i les teves filles s'aixecaran del teu costat.
60:5 Llavors veuràs, i desbordareu, i el teu cor quedarà meravellat i expandit. Quan la multitud del mar s'haurà convertit a tu, la força de les nacions s'acostarà a tu.
60:6 Una multitud de camells us inundaran: els dromedaris de Madian i Efa. Arribaran tots els de Saba, portant or i encens, i anunciant la lloança al Senyor.



The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 2: 1-12

2:1 I així, when Jesus had been born in Bethlehem of Judah, in the days of king Herod, vet aquí, Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem,
2:2 dient: “Where is he who was born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and we have come to adore him.”
2:3 Now king Herod, hearing this, was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.
2:4 And gathering together all the leaders of the priests, and the scribes of the people, he consulted with them as to where the Christ would be born.
2:5 I li van dir: “In Bethlehem of Judea. For so it has been written by the prophet:
2:6 ‘And you, Bethlehem, the land of Judah, are by no means least among the leaders of Judah. For from you shall go forth the ruler who shall guide my people Israel.’ ”
2:7 Then Herod, quietly calling the Magi, diligently learned from them the time when the star appeared to them.
2:8 And sending them into Bethlehem, Ell va dir: “Go and diligently ask questions about the boy. And when you have found him, report back to me, so that I, també, may come and adore him.”
2:9 And when they had heard the king, they went away. I vet aquí, the star that they had seen in the east went before them, even until, arriving, it stood still above the place where the child was.
2:10 Aleshores, seeing the star, they were gladdened by a very great joy.
2:11 And entering the home, they found the boy with his mother Mary. I així, falling prostrate, they adored him. And opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
2:12 And having received a response in sleep that they should not return to Herod, they went back by another way to their own region.



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