apríla 5, 2024


Skutky apoštolov 4: 1-12

4:1Ale zatiaľ čo oni hovorili k ľuďom, kňazi, chrámový richtár a saduceji ich premohli,
4:2boli zarmútení, že učia ľud a ohlasujú v Ježišovi vzkriesenie z mŕtvych.
4:3A položili na nich ruky, a dali ich pod stráž až do nasledujúceho dňa. Lebo teraz bol večer.
4:4Ale mnohí z tých, ktorí to slovo počuli, uverili. A počet mužov sa stal päťtisíc.
4:5A stalo sa na druhý deň, že sa ich vodcovia a starší a zákonníci zhromaždili v Jeruzaleme,
4:6vrátane Annáša, veľkňaz, a Kaifášom, a Jána a Alexandra, a toľko, koľko bolo z kňazskej rodiny.
4:7A umiestniť ich do stredu, spytovali sa ich: „Akou silou, alebo v mene koho, urobil si to?“
4:8Potom Peter, naplnený Duchom Svätým, povedal im: „Vodcovia ľudu a starší, počúvaj.
4:9Ak sme dnes súdení podľa dobrého skutku vykonaného na neduživom človeku, čím sa stal celistvým,
4:10nech je to známe vám všetkým a celému ľudu Izraela, že v mene nášho Pána Ježiša Krista Nazaretského, koho si ukrižoval, ktorého Boh vzkriesil z mŕtvych, ním, tento muž stojí pred vami, zdravý.
4:11On je kameň, ktoré ste odmietli, stavitelia, ktorý sa stal hlavou rohu.
4:12A v žiadnom inom niet spásy. Lebo pod nebom niet iného mena daného ľuďom, ktorým je potrebné, aby sme boli spasení.“


John 21: 1-14

21:1Po tomto, Jesus manifested himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. And he manifested himself in this way.
21:2These were together: Simon Peter and Thomas, who is called the Twin, and Nathanael, who was from Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples.
21:3Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “And we are going with you.” And they went and climbed into the ship. And in that night, they caught nothing.
21:4But when morning arrived, Jesus stood on the shore. Yet the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
21:5Potom im Ježiš povedal, “Children, do you have any food?” They answered him, “No.”
21:6Povedal im, “Cast the net to the right side of the ship, and you will find some.” Therefore, they cast it out, and then they were not able to draw it in, because of the multitude of fish.
21:7Preto, the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord.” Simon Peter, when he had heard that it was the Lord, wrapped his tunic around himself, (for he was naked) and he cast himself into the sea.
21:8Then the other disciples arrived in a boat, (for they were not far from the land, only about two hundred cubits) dragging the net with the fish.
21:9Potom, when they climbed down to the land they saw burning coals prepared, and fish already placed above them, and bread.
21:10Ježiš im povedal, “Bring some of the fish that you have just now caught.”
21:11Simon Peter climbed up and drew in the net to land: full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn.
21:12Ježiš im povedal, “Approach and dine.” And not one of them sitting down to eat dared to ask him, "Kto si?” For they knew that it was the Lord.
21:13And Jesus approached, and he took bread, and he gave it to them, and similarly with the fish.
21:14This was now the third time that Jesus was manifested to his disciples, after he had resurrected from the dead.