marca 17, 2023

Ozeáš 14: 2- 10

14:2 Izrael, obráť sa k Pánovi, svojmu Bohu. Lebo si bol zničený vlastnou neprávosťou.
14:3 Vezmi tieto slová so sebou a vráť sa k Pánovi. A povedz mu, „Odstráň všetku neprávosť a prijmi dobro. A my splatíme lýtka našich pier.
14:4 Assur nás nezachráni; nebudeme jazdiť na koňoch. Ani viac nepovieme, „Diela našich rúk sú našimi bohmi,Lebo tí, čo sú v tebe, budú mať milosrdenstvo so sirotou."
14:5 Uzdravím ich skrúšenosť; Budem ich milovať spontánne. Lebo môj hnev sa od nich odvrátil.
14:6 budem ako rosa; Izrael vyrastie ako ľalia, a jeho koreň sa rozšíri ako koreň libanonských cédrov.
14:7 Jeho ratolesti budú napredovať, a jeho sláva bude ako oliva, a jeho vôňa bude ako vôňa libanonských cédrov.
14:8 Budú konvertovaní, sediaci v jeho tieni. Budú žiť na pšenici, a budú rásť ako vinič. Jeho pamiatka bude ako víno z libanonských cédrov.
14:9 povie Efraim, "Čo sú pre mňa idoly?"?,,Budem ho počúvať, a postavím ho rovno ako zdravý smrek. Tvoje ovocie som našiel.
14:10 Kto je múdry a pochopí toto? Kto má pochopenie a bude vedieť tieto veci? Lebo cesty Pánove sú priame, a spravodliví v nich budú chodiť, ale naozaj, padnú v nich zradcovia.

Marka 12: 28- 34

12:28 And one of the scribes, who had heard them arguing, drew near to him. And seeing that he had answered them well, he questioned him as to which was the first commandment of all.
12:29 And Jesus answered him: “For the first commandment of all is this: ‘Listen, Izrael. The Lord your God is one God.
12:30 And you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart, and from your whole soul, and from your whole mind, and from your whole strength. This is the first commandment.’
12:31 But the second is similar to it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
12:32 And the scribe said to him: Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth that there is one God, and there is no other beside him;
12:33 and that he should be loved from the whole heart, and from the whole understanding, and from the whole soul, and from the whole strength. And to love one’s neighbor as one’s self is greater than all holocausts and sacrifices.”
12:34 A Ježiš, seeing that he had responded wisely, povedal mu, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And after that, no one dared to question him.