Kuwerenga Tsiku ndi Tsiku

  • Epulo 27, 2024

    Machitidwe 13: 44- 52

    13:44Komabe moona, pa Sabata lotsatira, pafupifupi mudzi wonse unasonkhana kudzamva Mau a Mulungu.
    13:45Kenako Ayuda, powona makamu a anthu, anadzazidwa ndi kaduka, ndi iwo, mwano, zinatsutsana ndi zomwe Paulo anali kunena.
    13:46Kenako Paulo ndi Baranaba ananena mwamphamvu: “Kunali koyenera kulankhula Mawu a Mulungu kwa inu poyamba. Koma chifukwa inu mukuzikana izo, ndipo chotero dziyeseni inu nokha osayenera moyo wosatha, tawonani, tikutembenukira kwa Amitundu.
    13:47Pakuti Yehova anatilangiza motero: ‘Ndakuika iwe kuunika kwa amitundu, + kuti mubweretse chipulumutso mpaka kumalekezero a dziko lapansi.’”
    13:48Ndiye Amitundu, pakumva izi, adakondwera, ndipo iwo anali kulemekeza Mawu a Ambuye. Ndipo onse amene anakhulupirira anakonzedweratu ku moyo wosatha.
    13:49Tsopano mawu a Yehova anafalitsidwa m’dziko lonselo.
    13:50Koma Ayuda anasonkhezera akazi ena opembedza ndi oona mtima, ndi atsogoleri a mzindawo. Ndipo iwo adautsira chizunzo pa Paulo ndi Barnaba. Ndipo adawaingitsa mbali zawo.
    13:51Koma iwo, kukusa fumbi la kumapazi ao pa iwo, anapita ku Ikoniyo.
    13:52Ophunzira nawonso anadzazidwa ndi kukondwera ndi Mzimu Woyera.

    Yohane 14: 7- 14

    14:7Mukadandidziwa, ndithudi mukadadziwa Atate wanga. Ndipo kuyambira tsopano, mudzamdziwa Iye, ndipo mwamuwona.
    14:8Filipo adati kwa iye, “Ambuye, wululirani Atate kwa ife, ndipo zatikwanira.”
    14:9Yesu adati kwa iye: “Ndakhala ndi inu nthawi yayitali, ndipo simunandidziwa Ine? Filipo, amene andiwona ine, amawonanso Atate. Munganene bwanji, ‘Mutiululireni Atate?'
    14:10Kodi sukhulupirira kuti Ine ndiri mwa Atate, ndi Atate ali mwa Ine? Mawu amene ndikulankhula kwa inu, Sindilankhula za Ine ndekha. Koma Atate akhala mwa Ine, amachita ntchito izi.
    14:11Kodi sukhulupirira kuti Ine ndiri mwa Atate, ndi Atate ali mwa Ine?
    14:12Kapena ayi, khulupirirani chifukwa cha ntchito zomwezo. Amene, amene, Ine ndinena kwa inu, amene akhulupirira Ine adzachitanso ntchito zimene Ine ndizichita. Ndipo zazikulu kuposa izi adzachita, pakuti ndipita kwa Atate.
    14:13Ndipo chimene mudzapempha Atate m’dzina langa, zomwe ndidzachita, kuti Atate akalemekezedwe mwa Mwana.
    14:14Ngati mudzapempha kanthu kwa Ine m'dzina langa, zomwe ndidzachita.

  • Epulo 26, 2024


    The Acts of the Apostles 13: 26-33

    13:26Abale olemekezeka, ana a fuko la Abrahamu, ndi amene akuopa Mulungu mwa inu, ndi kwa inu Mau a chipulumutso ichi atumizidwa.
    13:27Kwa iwo amene anali kukhala mu Yerusalemu, ndi olamulira ake, osamvera iye, kapena mawu a Aneneri amene amawerengedwa tsiku la Sabata lililonse, adakwaniritsa izi pakumuweruza.
    13:28Ndipo ngakhale sanapeze mlandu wa imfa pa iye, adapempha Pilato, kuti amuphe.
    13:29Ndipo pamene adakwaniritsa zonse zolembedwa za Iye, kumutsitsa mumtengo, adamuyika m’manda.
    13:30Komabe moona, Mulungu anamuukitsa kwa akufa pa tsiku lachitatu.
    13:31Ndipo anaonekera kwa masiku ambiri ndi iwo amene adakwera naye kuchokera ku Galileya kupita ku Yerusalemu, amene ngakhale tsopano ali mboni zake kwa anthu.
    13:32Ndipo tikukulengezani Lonjezo, chimene chinapangidwa kwa makolo athu,
    13:33wakwaniritsidwa ndi Mulungu kwa ana athu mwa kuukitsa Yesu, monga kwalembedwanso mu Salmo lachiwiri: ‘Iwe ndiwe Mwana wanga. Lero ndakubala iwe.’


    Uthenga Wopatulika Malinga ndi Yohane 14: 1-6

    14:1“Mtima wanu usavutike;. Mumakhulupirira Mulungu. Khulupirirani inenso.
    14:2M’nyumba ya Atate wanga, pali malo ambiri okhala. Ngati panalibe, Ndikadakuuzani inu. Pakuti ndipita kukukonzerani inu malo.
    14:3Ndipo ngati ndipita kukakukonzerani inu malo, ndidzabweranso, ndipo pamenepo ndidzakutengani inu kwa ine ndekha, kotero kuti kumene ine ndiri, inunso mukhoza kukhala.
    14:4Ndipo inu mukudziwa kumene ine ndikupita. Ndipo inu mukudziwa njira. "
    14:5Tomasi adati kwa iye, “Ambuye, sitidziwa kumene mumukako, ndiye tingadziwe bwanji njira?”

  • Epulo 25, 2024

    Feast of St. Mark

    First Letter of Peter

    5:5Mofananamo, young persons, be subject to the elders. And infuse all humility among one another, for God resists the arrogant, but to the humble he gives grace.
    5:6Ndipo kenako, be humbled under the powerful hand of God, so that he may exalt you in the time of visitation.
    5:7Cast all your cares upon him, for he takes care of you.
    5:8Be sober and vigilant. For your adversary, the devil, is like a roaring lion, traveling around and seeking those whom he might devour.
    5:9Resist him by being strong in faith, being aware that the same passions afflict those who are your brothers in the world.
    5:10But the God of all grace, who has called us to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will himself perfect, confirm, and establish us, after a brief time of suffering.
    5:11Kwa Iye kukhale ulemerero ndi ulamuliro ku nthawi za nthawi. Amene.
    5:12I have written briefly, through Sylvanus, whom I consider to be a faithful brother to you, begging and testifying that this is the true grace of God, in which you have been established.
    5:13The Church which is in Babylon, elect together with you, akupatsani moni, as does my son, Mark.
    5:14Patsani moni wina ndi mzake ndi chipsompsono chopatulika. Grace be to all of you who are in Christ Jesus. Amene.

    Mark 16: 15 – 20

    16:15 Ndipo adati kwa iwo: “Go forth to the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature.

    16:16 Whoever will have believed and been baptized will be saved. Komabe moona, whoever will not have believed will be condemned.

    16:17 Now these signs will accompany those who believe. In my name, they shall cast out demons. They will speak in new languages.

    16:18 They will take up serpents, ndi, if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them. They shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they will be well.”

    16:19 Ndipo ndithudi, Ambuye Yesu, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and he sits at the right hand of God.

    16:20 Then they, kuyambira, preached everywhere, with the Lord cooperating and confirming the word by the accompanying signs.

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