December 16, 2013, Uthenga

Mateyu 21: 23-27




21:23 And when he had arrived at the temple, as he was teaching, the leaders of the priests and the elders of the people approached him, kunena: “By what authority do you do these things? And who has given this authority to you?”

21:24 Poyankha, Yesu adati kwa iwo: “I also will question you with one word: if you tell me this, I also will tell you by what authority I do these things.

21:25 Ubatizo wa Yohane, where was it from? Was it from heaven, or from men?” But they thought within themselves, kunena:

21:26 “Tikati, ‘Kuchokera kumwamba,’ he will say to us, ‘Ndiye n’chifukwa chiyani simunamukhulupirire?’ But if we say, ‘From men,’ we have the crowd to fear, for they all hold John to be a prophet.”

21:27 Ndipo kenako, they answered Jesus by saying, “We do not know.” So he also said to them: “Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.


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