June 3, 2014

Machitidwe a Atumwi 20: 17-27

20:17 Ndiye, anatumiza kuchokera ku Mileto ku Efeso, anawatcha iwo aakulu mwa kubadwa mu mpingo.
20:18 Ndipo pamene adafika kwa Iye, adakhala pamodzi, adati kwa iwo: “Mukudziwa kuti kuyambira tsiku loyamba limene ndinalowa m’Asiya, Ndakhala ndi inu, kwa nthawi yonse, mwanjira iyi:
20:19 kutumikira Ambuye, ndi kudzichepetsa konse, ndi misozi ndi mayesero amene anandigwera ine chifukwa cha chinyengo cha Ayuda,
20:20 momwe sindinabisira kanthu kena kaphindu, momwe ndalalikira kwa inu, ndi kuti ndakuphunzitsani poyera ndi m’nyumba monse,
20:21 kuchitira umboni kwa Ayuda ndi kwa amitundunso za kulapa kwa Mulungu ndi chikhulupiriro mwa Ambuye wathu Yesu Khristu.
20:22 Ndipo tsopano, tawonani, kukakamizika mu mzimu, Ndikupita ku Yerusalemu, osadziwa chimene chidzandichitikira kumeneko,
20:23 kupatula kuti Mzimu Woyera, m’mizinda yonse, wandichenjeza, kunena kuti unyolo ndi zisautso zidzandiyembekezera ku Yerusalemu.
20:24 Koma ine sindimawopa chirichonse cha zinthu zimenezi. Komanso sindiona moyo wanga kukhala wamtengo wapatali chifukwa ndi wanga, kupatula kuti mwanjira ina nditsirize njira yangayanga ndi ya utumiki wa Mawu, chimene ndinachilandira kwa Ambuye Yesu, kuchitira umboni Uthenga Wabwino wa chisomo cha Mulungu.
20:25 Ndipo tsopano, tawonani, Ndikudziwa kuti simudzawonanso nkhope yanga, nonse amene ndidayenda nawo, kulalikira Ufumu wa Mulungu.
20:26 Pachifukwa ichi, Ndikukuitanani kuti mukhale mboni tsiku lomwelo: kuti ndine woyera pa mwazi wa onse.
20:27 + Pakuti sindinapatuke ngakhale pang’ono kulengeza uphungu uliwonse wa Mulungu kwa inu.

Uthenga Wopatulika Malinga ndi Yohane 17: 1-11

17:1 Jesus said these things, Kenako, lifting up his eyes toward heaven, adatero: “Atate, the hour has arrived: glorify your Son, so that your Son may glorify you,
17:2 just as you have given authority over all flesh to him, so that he may give eternal life to all those whom you have given to him.
17:3 And this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
17:4 I have glorified you on earth. I have completed the work that you gave me to accomplish.
17:5 And now Father, glorify me within yourself, with the glory that I had with you before the world ever was.
17:6 I have manifested your name to the men whom you have given to me from the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me. And they have kept your word.
17:7 Now they realize that all the things that you have given me are from you.
17:8 For I have given them the words that you gave to me. And they have accepted these words, and they have truly understood that I went forth from you, and they have believed that you sent me.
17:9 I pray for them. I do not pray for the world, but for those whom you have given to me. For they are yours.
17:10 And all that is mine is yours, and all that is yours is mine, and I am glorified in this.
17:11 And though I am not in the world, these are in the world, and I am coming to you. Father most holy, preserve them in your name, those whom you have given to me, so that they may be one, even as we are one.


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