June 4, 2015


Tobiti 6: 10- 11, 7: 1, 9- 17, 8: 4- 9

6:10 Ndipo Tobias adati kwa iye, “Mukufuna tizikhala kuti??”

6:11 Ndipo Mngelo, kuyankha, adatero: “Nayu wina dzina lake Raguel, mwamuna wapachibale wanu wa fuko lanu, ndipo ali ndi mwana wamkazi dzina lake Sara, koma alibe wina wamwamuna kapena wamkazi, kupatula iye.

7:1 Ndipo kotero iwo anapita kwa Raguel, ndipo Ragueli anawalandira ndi chimwemwe.

7:9 Ndipo kenako, atayankhula, Raguel analamula kuti nkhosa iphedwe, ndi phwando lokonzekera. Ndipo pamene adawadandaulira iwo kuti akhale pachakudya,

7:10 Tobias anatero, "Pano, lero, sindidzadya kapena kumwa, pokhapokha mutatsimikizira pempho langa, ndipo ulonjeza kuti udzandipatsa ine Sara mwana wako wamkazi.

7:11 Raguel atamva mawu awa, anachita mantha, podziwa chimene chinawagwera amuna asanu ndi awiri aja, amene adamuyandikira. Ndipo anayamba kuchita mantha, kuti chingachitike kwa iye momwemonso. Ndipo, popeza adagwedezeka ndipo sanayankhenso pempholo,

7:12 Mngelo anati kwa iye: “Musaope kumpatsa iyeyu;, chifukwa ameneyo amaopa Mulungu. Ayenera kukhala pamodzi ndi mwana wanu wamkazi. Chifukwa cha izi, palibe wina akanakhoza kukhala naye.”

7:13 Kenako Raguel anati: “Sindikukayikira kuti Mulungu wavomereza mapemphero anga ndi misozi yanga pamaso pake.

7:14 Ndipo ine ndikukhulupirira, choncho, kuti wakufikitsirani kwa ine, kotero kuti uyu akwatiwe ndi mmodzi wa abale ake, monga mwa chilamulo cha Mose. Ndipo tsopano, usakayikirenso kuti ndidzakupatsa iwe.”

7:15 Ndi kutenga dzanja lamanja la mwana wake wamkazi, anaupereka m’dzanja lamanja la Tobia, kunena, “Mulungu wa Abrahamu, ndi Mulungu wa Isake, ndipo Mulungu wa Yakobo akhale nawe. Ndipo akuphatikizani pamodzi muukwati ndi kukwaniritsa madalitso ake mwa inu.”

7:16 Ndipo kutenga pepala, iwo analemba cholembedwa cha ukwatiwo.

7:17 Ndipo zitatha izi, iwo anadya, kudalitsa Mulungu

8:4 Kenako Tobias analimbikitsa namwaliyo, ndipo adati kwa iye: “Sarah, ukani, tipemphere kwa Mulungu lero, ndi mawa, ndi tsiku lotsatira. Za, masiku atatu awa, ife tiri olumikizidwa kwa Mulungu. Kenako, pamene usiku wachitatu wadutsa, ife tokha tidzalumikizidwa pamodzi.

8:5 Pakuti ndithu, ndife ana a oyera mtima, ndipo sitiyenera kulumikizidwa pamodzi monga akunja, amene sadziwa Mulungu.”

8:6 Ndipo kenako, kuwuka pamodzi, onse awiri anapemphera mowona mtima, nthawi yomweyo, kuti thanzi lipatsidwe kwa iwo.

8:7 Ndipo Tobias adati: “Ambuye, Mulungu wa makolo athu, kumwamba ndi dziko lapansi zikudalitseni, ndi nyanja, ndi akasupe, ndi mitsinje, ndi zolengedwa zanu zonse zili momwemo.

8:8 Inu munamuumba Adamu ndi dothi la nthaka, ndipo mudampatsa Hava kukhala womthangatira.

8:9 Ndipo tsopano, O Ambuye, mudziwa kuti ine ndimatenga mlongo wanga mu ukwati, osati chifukwa cha zokondweretsa za dziko, koma chifukwa cha chikondi cha mtsogolo, m’mene dzina lanu lidalitsike ku nthawi za nthawi.


Uthenga Woyera Malinga ndi Marko 12: 28-34

12:28 And one of the scribes, who had heard them arguing, drew near to him. And seeing that he had answered them well, he questioned him as to which was the first commandment of all.
12:29 Ndipo Yesu adayankha iye: “For the first commandment of all is this: ‘Listen, Israeli. The Lord your God is one God.
12:30 And you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart, ndi moyo wako wonse, and from your whole mind, and from your whole strength. This is the first commandment.’
12:31 But the second is similar to it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
12:32 And the scribe said to him: Well said, Mphunzitsi. You have spoken the truth that there is one God, and there is no other beside him;
12:33 and that he should be loved from the whole heart, and from the whole understanding, and from the whole soul, and from the whole strength. And to love one’s neighbor as one’s self is greater than all holocausts and sacrifices.”
12:34 Ndipo Yesu, seeing that he had responded wisely, adati kwa iye, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And after that, no one dared to question him.



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