Mayi 25, 2015


Sirach 17: 20-24

17:20 Tsopano, to the repentant, he has given the way of justice, and he has strengthened those lacking in patience, and he has fastened them to a destiny of truth.
17:21 Convert to the Lord, and relinquish your sins.
17:22 Make supplication before the face of the Lord, and diminish your offenses.
17:23 Return to the Lord, and turn away from your injustice, and have immense hatred for abomination.
17:24 And acknowledge the justices and judgments of God, and stand firm in the circumstances set before you and in prayer to the most high God.



Uthenga Woyera Malinga ndi Marko 10: 17-27

10:17 Ndipo pamene adachoka panjira, wina, kuthamangira ndi kugwada pamaso pake, anamufunsa iye, “Mphunzitsi Wabwino, ndichite chiyani, kuti ndikapeze moyo wosatha?”
10:18 Koma Yesu anati kwa iye, “Bwanji munditchule zabwino? Palibe wabwino koma Mulungu mmodzi yekha.
10:19 Inu mukudziwa malangizo: “Usachite chigololo. Osapha. Osaba. Osalankhula umboni wonama. Osanyenga. Lemekeza atate wako ndi amako.”
10:20 Koma poyankha, adati kwa iye, “Mphunzitsi, zonsezi ndinazisunga kuyambira ubwana wanga.
10:21 Kenako Yesu, kuyang'anitsitsa iye, ankamukonda iye, ndipo adati kwa iye: “Chinthu chimodzi chikusoweka kwa inu. Pitani, gulitsani zomwe muli nazo, ndi kupatsa aumphawi, ndipo pamenepo udzakhala ndi chuma kumwamba. Ndipo bwerani, Nditsateni."
10:22 Koma adachoka ali wachisoni, atamva chisoni kwambiri ndi mawuwo. pakuti anali nacho chuma chambiri.
10:23 Ndipo Yesu, kuyang'ana pozungulira, adanena kwa wophunzira ake, “Zimakhala zovuta kwambiri kuti anthu amene ali ndi chuma alowe mu ufumu wa Mulungu!”
10:24 Ndipo wophunzira adazizwa ndi mawu ake. Koma Yesu, kuyankha kachiwiri, adati kwa iwo: “Ana aamuna, chovuta chotani nanga kwa iwo amene adalira ndalama kulowa mu ufumu wa Mulungu!
10:25 Nkosavuta kuti ngamila ipyole pa diso la singano, kuposa kuti olemera alowe mu ufumu wa Mulungu.”
10:26 Ndipo adazizwa kwambiri, kunena mwa iwo okha, "WHO, ndiye, akhoza kupulumutsidwa?”
10:27 Ndipo Yesu, akuwayang'ana, adatero: “Ndi amuna sikutheka; koma osati ndi Mulungu. Pakuti zinthu zonse zitheka ndi Mulungu.”



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