June 19, 2014


The Book of Sirach 48: 1-14

48:1 And the prophet Elijah arose like a fire, and his word burned like a torch.
48:2 He brought a famine upon them, and those who provoked him in their envy became few. For they could not bear the precepts of the Lord.
48:3 Rabbimin sözüyle, he closed the heavens, and he brought down fire from heaven three times.
48:4 Böylece, Elijah was magnified in his wondrous works. So who can say that he is similar to you in glory?
48:5 He raised up a dead man from the grave, from the fate of death, by the word of the Lord God.
48:6 He threw down kings unto perdition, and he easily shattered their power and boasting from his bed.
48:7 He heeded the judgment at Sinai, and the judgments of punishment at Horeb.
48:8 He anointed kings unto repentance, and he chose the prophets who would follow after him.
48:9 He was received into a whirlwind of fire, into a swift chariot with fiery horses.
48:10 He is written in the judgments of the times, so as to lessen the wrath of the Lord, to reconcile the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob.
48:11 Blessed are those who saw you, and who were adorned with your friendship.
48:12 For we live only in our life, and after death, our name will not be the same.
48:13 Kesinlikle, Elijah was covered by the whirlwind, and his spirit was completed in Elisha. Onun günlerinde, he was not fearful of the ruler, and no power defeated him.
48:14 No word overwhelmed him, and after death, his body prophesied.


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 6: 7-15

6:7 Ve dua ederken, çok kelime seçme, paganların yaptığı gibi. Çünkü aşırı sözleriyle dikkate alınabileceklerini düşünüyorlar..
6:8 Öyleyse, onları taklit etmeyi seçme. Çünkü Babanız ihtiyaçlarınızın neler olabileceğini bilir, ona sormadan önce bile.
6:9 Öyleyse, bu şekilde dua edeceksin: Babamız, cennette kim var: Adın kutsal kalsın.
6:10 krallığın gelsin. senin isteğin yerine gelsin, cennette olduğu gibi, yeryüzünde de öyle.
6:11 Bu gün bize hayat veren ekmeğimizi ver.
6:12 Ve borçlarımızı bağışla, borçlularımızı da affettiğimiz gibi.
6:13 Ve bizi ayartmaya yönlendirme. Ama bizi kötülükten kurtar. Amin.
6:14 Çünkü eğer erkeklerin günahlarını bağışlarsan, göksel Babanız da suçlarınızı bağışlayacaktır.
6:15 Ama erkekleri affetmeyeceksen, Babanız da günahlarınızı bağışlamayacak.


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