August 27, 2014


The Second Letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians 3: 6-10, 16-18

3:6 但我們強烈提醒您, 兄弟, 奉我們主耶穌基督的名, 遠離每一個行事混亂、不按照他們從我們那裡得到的傳統的弟兄.
3:7 因為你們自己知道應該怎樣模仿我們. 因為我們在你們中間沒有亂.
3:8 我們也沒有免費吃任何人的麵包, 反而, 我們夜以繼日地工作, 在艱辛和疲倦中, 為了不給你帶來負擔.
3:9 並不是說我們沒有權限, 但這是為了讓我們可以向您展示自己作為榜樣, 為了模仿我們.
3:10 然後, 也, 當我們和你在一起時, 我們堅持給你這個: 如果有人不願意工作, 他也不應該吃.
3:16 那麼願平安之主親自賜給你永遠的平安, 在每一個地方. 願主與你們同在.
3:17 保羅親手問候, 這是每封書信的印記. 我也這麼寫.
3:18 願我們主耶穌基督的恩典與你們同在. 阿門.


馬修 26: 32

23:27 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed sepulchers, which outwardly appear brilliant to men, yet truly, inside, they are filled with the bones of the dead and with all filth.

23:28 So also, you certainly appear to men outwardly to be just. But inwardly you are filled with hypocrisy and iniquity.

23:29 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, who build the sepulchers of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the just.

23:30 And then you say, ‘If we had been there in the days of our fathers, we would not have joined with them in the blood of the prophets.’

23:31 And so you are witnesses against yourselves, that you are the sons of those who killed the prophets.

23:32 Complete, 然後, the measure of your fathers.

23:33 You serpents, you brood of vipers! How will you escape from the judgment of Hell?


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