October 6, 2014

加拉太書 1: 6-12

1:6 我想知道你這麼快就被轉移了, 來自那呼召你進入基督恩典的那一位, 轉向另一本福音書.

1:7 因為沒有其他, 只是有些人打擾你,想要推翻基督的福音.

1:8 但如果有人, 甚至我們自己或來自天堂的天使, 向你們傳講與我們所傳講的福音不同的福音, 讓他受到詛咒.

1:9 正如我們之前所說, 所以現在我再說一遍: 如果有人向你傳福音, 除了您收到的以外, 讓他受到詛咒.

1:10 我現在是在說服男人嗎?, 或上帝? 或者, 我是想取悅男人嗎? 如果我還能取悅男人, 那麼我就不會成為基督的僕人.

1:11 因為我想讓你明白, 兄弟, 我所傳的福音不是出於人的意思.

1:12 我沒有從人那裡收到它, 我也沒有學會, 除非透過耶穌基督的啟示.

The Holy Gospel According to Luke 10: 25-37

10:25 And behold, a certain expert in the law rose up, testing him and saying, “Teacher, what must I do to possess eternal life?”
10:26 But he said to him: “What is written in the law? How do you read it?”
10:27 In response, 他說: “You shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart, and from your whole soul, and from all your strength, and from all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
10:28 And he said to him: “You have answered correctly. Do this, and you will live.”
10:29 But since he wanted to justify himself, he said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
10:30 Then Jesus, taking this up, 說: “A certain man descended from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he happened upon robbers, who now also plundered him. And inflicting him with wounds, they went away, leaving him behind, half-alive.
10:31 And it happened that a certain priest was descending along the same way. And seeing him, he passed by.
10:32 And similarly a Levite, when he was near the place, also saw him, and he passed by.
10:33 But a certain Samaritan, being on a journey, came near him. And seeing him, he was moved by mercy.
10:34 And approaching him, he bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. And setting him on his pack animal, he brought him to an inn, and he took care of him.
10:35 And the next day, he took out two denarii, and he gave them to the proprietor, 他說: ‘Take care of him. And whatever extra you will have spent, I will repay to you at my return.’
10:36 Which of these three, does it seem to you, was a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?”
10:37 Then he said, “The one who acted with mercy toward him.” And Jesus said to him, 「去, and act similarly.”


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