Писмото на Павел до римляните

римляни 1

1:1 Пол, a servant of Jesus Christ, called as an Apostle, separated for the Gospel of God,
1:2 which he had promised beforehand, through his Prophets, in the Holy Scriptures,
1:3 about his Son, who was made for him from the offspring of David according to the flesh,
1:4 the Son of God, who was predestined in virtue according to the Spirit of sanctification from the resurrection of the dead, our Lord Jesus Christ,
1:5 through whom we have received grace and Apostleship, for the sake of his name, for the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles,
1:6 from whom you also have been called by Jesus Christ:
1:7 To all who are at Rome, the beloved of God, called as saints. Grace to you, и мир, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
1:8 Със сигурност, I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, first for all of you, because your faith is being announced throughout the entire world.
1:9 For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit by the Gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I have kept a remembrance of you
1:10 always in my prayers, pleading that in some way, at some time, I may have a prosperous journey, within the will of God, to come to you.
1:11 For I long to see you, so that I may impart to you a certain spiritual grace to strengthen you,
1:12 специално, to be consoled together with you through that which is mutual: your faith and mine.
1:13 But I want you to know, братя, that I have often intended to come to you, (though I have been hindered even to the present time) so that I might obtain some fruit among you also, just as also among the other Gentiles.
1:14 To the Greeks and to the uncivilized, to the wise and to the foolish, I am in debt.
1:15 So within me there is a prompting to evangelize to you also who are at Rome.
1:16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation for all believers, първо евреинът, and the Greek.
1:17 For the justice of God is revealed within it, by faith unto faith, точно както е написано: “For the just one lives by faith.”
1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven over every impiety and injustice among those men who fend off the truth of God with injustice.
1:19 For what is known about God is manifest in them. For God has manifested it to them.
1:20 For unseen things about him have been made conspicuous, since the creation of the world, being understood by the things that were made; likewise his everlasting virtue and divinity, so much so that they have no excuse.
1:21 For although they had known God, they did not glorify God, nor give thanks. Вместо, they became weakened in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was obscured.
1:22 За, while proclaiming themselves to be wise, they became foolish.
1:23 And they exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of flying things, and of four-legged beasts, and of serpents.
1:24 Поради тази причина, God handed them over to the desires of their own heart for impurity, so that they afflicted their own bodies with indignities among themselves.
1:25 And they exchanged the truth of God for a lie. And they worshipped and served the creature, rather than the Creator, who is blessed for all eternity. амин.
1:26 Заради това, God handed them over to shameful passions. Например, their females have exchanged the natural use of the body for a use which is against nature.
1:27 И по подобен начин, the males also, abandoning the natural use of females, have burned in their desires for one another: males doing with males what is disgraceful, and receiving within themselves the recompense that necessarily results from their error.
1:28 And since they did not prove to have God by knowledge, God handed them over to a morally depraved way of thinking, so that they might do those things which are not fitting:
1:29 having been completely filled with all iniquity, злоба, fornication, avarice, wickedness; full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, spite, gossiping;
1:30 slanderous, hateful toward God, abusive, arrogant, self-exalting, devisers of evil, disobedient to parents,
1:31 foolish, disorderly; without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.
1:32 And these, though they had known the justice of God, did not understand that those who act in such a manner are deserving of death, and not only those who do these things, but also those who consent to what is done.

римляни 2

2:1 Поради тази причина, О, човече, всеки от вас, който съди, е непростим. Защото по това съдиш за другия, осъждаш себе си. Защото правите същите неща, които съдите.
2:2 Защото знаем, че Божията присъда е в съответствие с истината срещу тези, които вършат такива неща.
2:3 Но, О, човече, когато съдите онези, които вършат такива неща, каквито правите и вие, мислите ли, че ще избегнете Божия съд?
2:4 Или презирате богатството на неговата доброта, търпение и търпение? Не знаете ли, че Божията благост ви призовава към покаяние?
2:5 Но в съответствие с вашето коравосърдечно и непокаяно сърце, трупаш гняв за себе си, до деня на гнева и на откровението чрез справедливия Божи съд.
2:6 Защото ще въздаде всекиму според делата му:
2:7 На тези, които, в съответствие с търпеливите добри дела, търсете слава, чест и нетление, със сигурност, той ще даде вечен живот.
2:8 Но на тези, които са спорни и които не се съгласяват с истината, но вместо това се доверете на беззаконието, той ще даде гняв и негодувание.
2:9 Скръбта и мъката са върху всяка човешка душа, която върши зло: първо евреинът, а също и гръцкият.
2:10 Но славата, честта и мирът са за всички, които вършат добро: първо евреинът, а също и гръцкият.
2:11 Защото пред Бога няма фаворитизъм.
2:12 For whoever had sinned without the law, will perish without the law. And whoever had sinned in the law, will be judged by the law.
2:13 For it is not the hearers of the law who are just before God, but rather it is the doers of the law who shall be justified.
2:14 For when the Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature those things which are of the law, such persons, not having the law, are a law unto themselves.
2:15 For they reveal the work of the law written in their hearts, while their conscience renders testimony about them, and their thoughts within themselves also accuse or even defend them,
2:16 unto the day when God shall judge the hidden things of men, through Jesus Christ, according to my Gospel.
2:17 But if you are called by name a Jew, and you rest upon the law, and you find glory in God,
2:18 and you have known his will, and you demonstrate the more useful things, having been instructed by the law:
2:19 you become confident within yourself that you are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness,
2:20 an instructor to the foolish, a teacher to children, because you have a type of knowledge and truth in the law.
2:21 As a result, you teach others, but you do not teach yourself. You preach that men should not steal, but you yourself steal.
2:22 You speak against adultery, but you commit adultery. You abominate idols, but you commit sacrilege.
2:23 You would glory in the law, but through a betrayal of the law you dishonor God.
2:24 (For because of you the name of God is being blasphemed among the Gentiles, just as it was written.)
2:25 Със сигурност, circumcision is beneficial, if you observe the law. But if you are a betrayer of the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision.
2:26 И така, if the uncircumcised keep the justices of the law, shall not this lack of circumcision be counted as circumcision?
2:27 And that which is by nature uncircumcised, if it fulfills the law, should it not judge you, who by the letter and by circumcision are a betrayer of the law?
2:28 For a Jew is not he who seems so outwardly. Neither is circumcision that which seems so outwardly, in the flesh.
2:29 But a Jew is he who is so inwardly. And circumcision of the heart is in the spirit, not in the letter. For its praise is not of men, but of God.

римляни 3

3:1 Така че след това, what more is the Jew, or what is the usefulness of circumcision?
3:2 Much in every way: First of all, със сигурност, because the eloquence of God was entrusted to them.
3:3 But what if some of them have not believed? Shall their unbelief nullify the faith of God? Нека не е така!
3:4 For God is truthful, but every man is deceitful; точно както е написано: "Следователно, you are justified in your words, and you will prevail when you give judgment.”
3:5 But if even our injustice points to the justice of God, what shall we say? Could God be unfair for inflicting wrath?
3:6 (I am speaking in human terms.) Нека не е така! В противен случай, how would God judge this world?
3:7 For if the truth of God has abounded, through my falseness, unto his glory, why should I still be judged as such a sinner?
3:8 And should we not do evil, so that good may result? For so we have been slandered, and so some have claimed we said; their condemnation is just.
3:9 Какво следва? Should we try to excel ahead of them? By no means! For we have accused all Jews and Greeks to be under sin,
3:10 точно както е написано: “There is no one who is just.
3:11 There is no one who understands. There is no one who seeks God.
3:12 All have gone astray; together they have become useless. There is no one who does good; there is not even one.
3:13 Their throat is an open sepulcher. With their tongues, they have been acting deceitfully. The venom of asps is under their lips.
3:14 Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.
3:15 Their feet are swift to shed blood.
3:16 Grief and unhappiness are in their ways.
3:17 And the way of peace they have not known.
3:18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
3:19 But we know that whatever the law speaks, it speaks to those who are in the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the entire world may be subject to God.
3:20 For in his presence no flesh shall be justified by the works of the law. For knowledge of sin is through the law.
3:21 Но сега, без закона, Божията справедливост, за което са свидетелствали законът и пророците, е станало явно.
3:22 И Божията справедливост, въпреки вярата на Исус Христос, е във всички онези и над всички онези, които вярват в него. Защото няма разлика.
3:23 Защото всички съгрешиха и всички се нуждаят от Божията слава.
3:24 Бяхме оправдани безплатно чрез Неговата благодат чрез изкуплението, което е в Христос Исус,
3:25 когото Бог принесе като умилостивение, чрез вяра в кръвта му, да разкрие своята справедливост за опрощение на предишните престъпления,
3:26 и чрез търпението на Бог, да разкрие своята справедливост в това време, така че самият той да бъде и Праведният, и Оправдателят на всеки, който е от вярата на Исус Христос.
3:27 Така че след това, къде е твоето самопревъзнасяне? Изключено е. Чрез какъв закон? Това на работи? Не, а по-скоро чрез закона на вярата.
3:28 Защото ние съдим, че човек е оправдан чрез вяра, без делата на закона.
3:29 Бог е само на евреите, а не и на езичниците? Напротив, на езичниците също.
3:30 Защото Един е Бог, който оправдава обрязването чрез вяра и необрязването чрез вяра.
3:31 Are we then destroying the law through faith? Нека не е така! Вместо, we are making the law stand.

римляни 4

4:1 Така че след това, what shall we say that Abraham had achieved, who is our father according to the flesh?
4:2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he would have glory, but not with God.
4:3 For what does Scripture say? “Abram believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice.”
4:4 But for he who works, wages are not accounted according to grace, but according to debt.
4:5 И все пак наистина, for he who does not work, but who believes in him who justifies the impious, his faith is reputed unto justice, according to the purpose of the grace of God.
4:6 Similarly, David also declares the blessedness of a man, to whom God brings justice without works:
4:7 “Blessed are they whose iniquities have been forgiven and whose sins have been covered.
4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord has not imputed sin.”
4:9 Does this blessedness, тогава, remain only in the circumcised, or is it even in the uncircumcised? For we say that faith was reputed to Abraham unto justice.
4:10 But then how was it reputed? In circumcision or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.
4:11 For he received the sign of circumcision as a symbol of the justice of that faith which exists apart from circumcision, so that he might be the father of all those who believe while uncircumcised, so that it might also be reputed to them unto justice,
4:12 and he might be the father of circumcision, not only for those who are of circumcision, but even for those who follow the footsteps of that faith which is in the uncircumcision of our father Abraham.
4:13 За обещанието към Авраам, и на неговото потомство, че ще наследи света, не беше чрез закона, но чрез справедливостта на вярата.
4:14 For if those who are of the law are the heirs, then faith becomes empty and the Promise is abolished.
4:15 For the law works unto wrath. And where there is no law, there is no law-breaking.
4:16 Заради това, това е от вяра според благодатта, че Обещанието е осигурено за всички потомци, не само за онези, които са от закона, но също и за тези, които са от вярата на Авраам, който е баща на всички нас пред Бога,
4:17 в които вярваше, който съживява мъртвите и който призовава онези неща, които не съществуват, да съществуват. Защото е писано: „Поставих те като баща на много народи.“
4:18 И той повярва, с надежда отвъд надеждата, за да стане баща на много народи, според казаното му: „Така ще бъде твоето потомство.“
4:19 And he was not weakened in faith, nor did he consider his own body to be dead (though he was then almost one hundred years old), nor the womb of Sarah to be dead.
4:20 И тогава, в Божието обещание, той не се поколеба от недоверие, но вместо това той беше укрепен във вярата, отдаване на слава на Бога,
4:21 знаейки най-пълно, че всичко, което Бог е обещал, той също е в състояние да постигне.
4:22 И поради тази причина, това му се смяташе за справедливост.
4:23 Сега това е написано, че му се смяташе за справедливост, не само заради него,
4:24 но и заради нас. Защото същото ще се счита и за нас, ако вярваме в този, който възкреси нашия Господ Исус Христос от мъртвите,
4:25 който беше предаден поради нашите престъпления, и който възкръсна за нашето оправдание.

римляни 5

5:1 Следователно, having been justified by faith, let us be at peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
5:2 For through him we also have access by faith to this grace, in which we stand firm, and to glory, in the hope of the glory of the sons of God.
5:3 И не само това, but we also find glory in tribulation, knowing that tribulation exercises patience,
5:4 and patience leads to proving, yet truly proving leads to hope,
5:5 но надеждата не е безпочвена, защото Божията любов се излива в сърцата ни чрез Светия Дух, който ни е даден.
5:6 И все пак защо Христос, докато бяхме още немощни, в подходящия момент, страдат от смърт за нечестивите?
5:7 Сега някой може едва ли да е готов да умре в името на справедливостта, например, може би някой може да се осмели да умре в името на добър човек.
5:8 Но Бог показва любовта си към нас в това, докато бяхме още грешници, в подходящия момент,
5:9 Христос умря за нас. Следователно, като сега е оправдан чрез кръвта си, толкова повече ще се спасим от гнева чрез него.
5:10 Защото ако бяхме помирени с Бога чрез смъртта на Неговия Син, докато бяхме още врагове, още повече, като са били помирени, ще бъдем ли спасени от неговия живот.
5:11 И не само това, но ние също се хвалим с Бога чрез нашия Господ Исус Христос, чрез когото сега получихме помирение.
5:12 Следователно, както чрез един човек грехът влезе в този свят, и чрез греха, смърт; така и смъртта беше прехвърлена на всички хора, на всички, които са съгрешили.
5:13 For even before the law, sin was in the world, but sin was not imputed while the law did not exist.
5:14 Yet death reigned from Adam until Moses, even in those who have not sinned, in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a figure of him who was to come.
5:15 Но подаръкът не е напълно като престъплението. Защото макар и от обидата на един, мнозина умряха, но много повече, по милостта на един човек, Исус Христос, благодатта и дарът Божий са изобилни за мнозина.
5:16 And the sin through one is not entirely like the gift. За със сигурност, the judgment of one was unto condemnation, but the grace toward many offenses is unto justification.
5:17 За все пак, с едно престъпление, смъртта царуваше чрез един, но още повече ще го направят тези, които получават изобилие от благодат, както на дарбата, така и на справедливостта, царувайте в живота чрез единствения Исус Христос.
5:18 Следователно, точно както чрез обидата на един, всички хора паднаха под осъждение, така и чрез справедливостта на единия, всички хора попадат под оправдание за живот.
5:19 За, точно както чрез непокорството на един човек, мнозина бяха установени като грешници, така и чрез покорството на един човек, много ще бъдат установени като справедливи.
5:20 Сега законът влезе по такъв начин, че престъпленията ще изобилстват. Но където обидите бяха в изобилие, благодатта беше преизобилна.
5:21 Така че след това, точно както грехът е царувал до смърт, така и благодатта да царува чрез справедливост за вечен живот, чрез Исус Христос нашия Господ.

римляни 6

6:1 So what shall we say? Should we remain in sin, so that grace may abound?
6:2 Нека не е така! For how can we who have died to sin still live in sin?
6:3 Do you not know that those of us who have been baptized in Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death?
6:4 For through baptism we have been buried with him into death, така че, in the manner that Christ rose from the dead, by the glory of the Father, so may we also walk in the newness of life.
6:5 For if we have been planted together, in the likeness of his death, so shall we also be, in the likeness of his resurrection.
6:6 For we know this: that our former selves have been crucified together with him, so that the body which is of sin may be destroyed, and moreover, so that we may no longer serve sin.
6:7 For he who has died has been justified from sin.
6:8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live together with Christ.
6:9 For we know that Christ, in rising up from the dead, can no longer die: death no longer has dominion over him.
6:10 For in as much as he died for sin, he died once. But in as much as he lives, he lives for God.
6:11 И така, you should consider yourselves to be certainly dead to sin, and to be living for God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
6:12 Следователно, нека грехът не царува в твоето смъртно тяло, така че да се подчинявате на желанията му.
6:13 Нито трябва да предлагате частите на тялото си като инструменти на беззаконието за грях. Вместо, предайте себе си на Бог, сякаш живееш след смъртта, и предложете частите на тялото си като инструменти на справедливостта за Бог.
6:14 Защото грехът не трябва да има власт над вас. Защото не сте под закона, но под благодат.
6:15 Какво следва? Трябва ли да грешим, защото не сме под закона, но под благодат? Нека не е така!
6:16 Не знаете ли на кого се предлагате за слуги под послушание? Вие сте слуги на всеки, на когото се подчинявате: дали от грях, до смърт, или на подчинение, към справедливостта.
6:17 Но слава богу за това, въпреки че преди сте били слуги на греха, сега сте били послушни от сърце на самата форма на учението, в която сте били приети.
6:18 И като се освободи от греха, станахме слуги на справедливостта.
6:19 Говоря по човешки поради немощта на вашата плът. Защото така, както си предложил частите на тялото си да служат на нечистотата и беззаконието, в името на беззаконието, така и вие сега предадохте частите на тялото си, за да служите на справедливостта, в името на освещението.
6:20 Защото въпреки че някога сте били слуги на греха, станахте деца на правдата.
6:21 Но какъв плод държеше по това време, в онези неща, от които сега се срамувате? Защото краят на тези неща е смъртта.
6:22 И все пак наистина, освободен сега от греха, и като станахме слуги на Бога, ти държиш плода си в освещение, и наистина краят му е вечен живот.
6:23 Защото заплатата на греха е смърт. Но безплатният дар от Бога е вечен живот в Христос Исус, нашия Господ.

римляни 7

7:1 Or do you not know, братя, (now I am speaking to those who know the law) that the law has dominion over a man only so long as he lives?
7:2 Например, a woman who is subject to a husband is obligated by the law while her husband lives. But when her husband has died, she is released from the law of her husband.
7:3 Следователно, while her husband lives, if she has been with another man, she should be called an adulteress. But when her husband has died, she is freed from the law of her husband, such that, if she has been with another man, she is not an adulteress.
7:4 И така, my brothers, you also have become dead to the law, through the body of Christ, so that you may be another one who has risen from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God.
7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins, which were under the law, operated within our bodies, so as to bear fruit unto death.
7:6 But now we have been released from the law of death, by which we were being held, so that now we may serve with a renewed spirit, and not in the old way, by the letter.
7:7 What should we say next? Is the law sin? Нека не е така! But I do not know sin, except through the law. Например, I would not have known about coveting, unless the law said: “You shall not covet.”
7:8 But sin, receiving an opportunity through the commandment, wrought in me all manner of coveting. For apart from the law, sin was dead.
7:9 Now I lived for some time apart from the law. But when the commandment had arrived, sin was revived,
7:10 and I died. And the commandment, which was unto life, was itself found to be unto death for me.
7:11 For sin, receiving an opportunity through the commandment, seduced me, и, through the law, sin killed me.
7:12 И така, the law itself is indeed holy, and the commandment is holy and just and good.
7:13 Then was what is good made into death for me? Нека не е така! But rather sin, in order that it might be known as sin by what is good, wrought death in me; so that sin, through the commandment, might become sinful beyond measure.
7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual. But I am carnal, having been sold under sin.
7:15 For I do things that I do not understand. Защото не правя доброто, което искам да направя. But the evil that I hate is what I do.
7:16 Така, when I do what I do not want to do, I am in agreement with the law, that the law is good.
7:17 But I am then acting not according to the law, but according to the sin which lives within me.
7:18 Защото знам, че доброто не живее в мен, това е, в плътта ми. Защото желанието да правя добро е близо до мен, но извършването на това добро, не мога да достигна.
7:19 Защото не правя доброто, което искам да направя. Но вместо това, Аз правя злото, което не искам да правя.
7:20 Сега, ако направя това, което не желая да направя, вече не аз го правя, но грехът, който живее в мен.
7:21 И така, Откривам закона, като искам да правя добро в себе си, въпреки че злото лежи близо до мен.
7:22 Защото се радвам на Божия закон, според вътрешния човек.
7:23 Но аз възприемам друг закон в тялото си, борейки се срещу закона на моя ум, и ме плени със закона на греха, който е в тялото ми.
7:24 Аз съм нещастен човек, който ще ме освободи от това тяло на смъртта?
7:25 Божията благодат, чрез Исус Христос нашия Господ! Следователно, Служа на Божия закон със собствения си ум; но с плътта, законът на греха.

римляни 8

8:1 Следователно, сега няма осъждане за онези, които са в Христос Исус, които не ходят по плът.
8:2 Защото законът на Духа на живота в Христос Исус ме освободи от закона на греха и смъртта.
8:3 Защото това беше невъзможно по закон, защото беше отслабена от плътта, Бог изпрати своя собствен Син в подобие на грешна плът и поради греха, за да осъди греха в плътта,
8:4 за да се изпълни в нас оправданието на закона. Защото ние не ходим според плътта, но според духа.
8:5 Защото онези, които са в съгласие с плътта, помнят плътските неща. Но онези, които са в съгласие с духа, внимават за нещата на духа.
8:6 Защото благоразумието на плътта е смърт. Но благоразумието на духа е живот и мир.
8:7 А мъдростта на плътта е враждебна на Бога. Защото не се подчинява на Божия закон, нито може да бъде.
8:8 Така че тези, които са в плътта, не могат да угодят на Бога.
8:9 И вие не сте в плътта, но в духа, ако е вярно, че Божият Дух живее във вас. Но ако някой няма Христовия Дух, той не му принадлежи.
8:10 Но ако Христос е вътре във вас, тогава тялото наистина е мъртво, относно греха, но духът наистина живее, заради оправданието.
8:11 Но ако Духът на този, който възкреси Исус от мъртвите, живее във вас, тогава този, който възкреси Исус Христос от мъртвите, ще съживи и вашите смъртни тела, чрез Неговия Дух, който живее във вас.
8:12 Следователно, братя, we are not debtors to the flesh, so as to live according to the flesh.
8:13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die. Но ако, чрез Духа, you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live.
8:14 For all those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.
8:15 And you have not received, отново, a spirit of servitude in fear, but you have received the Spirit of the adoption of sons, in whom we cry out: “Abba, Father!”
8:16 For the Spirit himself renders testimony to our spirit that we are the sons of God.
8:17 But if we are sons, then we are also heirs: certainly heirs of God, but also co-heirs with Christ, yet in such a way that, if we suffer with him, we shall also be glorified with him.
8:18 Защото считам, че страданията на това време не са достойни за сравнение с онази бъдеща слава, която ще се разкрие в нас.
8:19 Защото очакването на създанието предусеща откровението на Божиите синове.
8:20 Защото създанието беше подчинено на празнотата, не по желание, но заради Този, Който го е подчинил, към надеждата.
8:21 Защото самото създание също ще бъде избавено от робството на покварата, в свободата на славата на Божиите синове.
8:22 Защото знаем, че всяко същество стене вътрешно, сякаш ражда, дори до сега;
8:23 и не само тези, но и себе си, тъй като държим първите плодове на Духа. Защото и ние стенем в себе си, очаквайки осиновяването ни като Божии синове, и изкуплението на нашето тяло.
8:24 Защото сме спасени чрез надежда. Но надеждата, която се вижда, не е надежда. Защото когато човек види нещо, защо ще се надява?
8:25 Но тъй като се надяваме на това, което не виждаме, чакаме с търпение.
8:26 И по подобен начин, Духът също помага на нашата слабост. Защото не знаем как да се молим както трябва, но самият Дух пита от наша страна с неизразимо въздишане.
8:27 И който изпитва сърцата, знае какво търси Духът, защото той пита от името на светиите според Бога.
8:28 И ние знаем това, за тези, които обичат Бога, всички неща работят заедно за добро, за тези които, в съответствие с неговата цел, са призвани да бъдат светци.
8:29 За тези, които е предузнал, той също е предопределил, в съответствие с образа на неговия Син, за да бъде той първородният между много братя.
8:30 И тези, които той предопредели, той също се обади. И тези, които той повика, той също се оправда. И тези, които той оправда, той също прослави.
8:31 Така, какво да кажем за тези неща? Ако Бог е за нас, който е срещу нас?
8:32 Който не пощади дори собствения си Син, но го предаде заради всички ни, как да не може и той, с него, са ни дали всички неща?
8:33 Който ще отправи обвинение срещу богоизбраните? Бог е Този, който оправдава;
8:34 кой е този, който осъжда? Христос Исус, който е умрял, и който наистина също е възкръснал, е от дясната страна на Бога, и дори сега той ходатайства за нас.
8:35 Тогава кой ще ни отдели от Христовата любов? Скръбта? Или мъка? Или глад? Или голота? Или опасност? Или преследване? Или меча?
8:36 Защото е както е написано: „За твое добро, умъртвяват ни по цял ден. Третират ни като овце за клане.”
8:37 Но във всички тези неща ние преодоляваме, заради този, който ни възлюби.
8:38 Защото съм сигурен, че нито смъртта, нито живота, нито ангели, нито Княжества, нито Силите, нито настоящите неща, нито бъдещите неща, нито сила,
8:39 нито височините, нито дълбините, нито друго създадено нещо, ще може да ни отдели от Божията любов, което е в Христос Исус нашия Господ.

римляни 9

9:1 I am speaking the truth in Christ; I am not lying. My conscience offers testimony to me in the Holy Spirit,
9:2 because the sadness within me is great, and there is a continuous sorrow in my heart.
9:3 For I was desiring that I myself might be anathemized from Christ, for the sake of my brothers, who are my kinsmen according to the flesh.
9:4 These are the Israelites, to whom belongs adoption as sons, and the glory and the testament, and the giving and following of the law, and the promises.
9:5 Theirs are the fathers, and from them, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is over all things, blessed God, за цяла вечност. амин.
9:6 But it is not that the Word of God has perished. For not all those who are Israelites are of Israel.
9:7 And not all sons are the offspring of Abraham: “For your offspring will be invoked in Isaac.”
9:8 С други думи, those who are the sons of God are not those who are sons of the flesh, but those who are sons of the Promise; these are considered to be the offspring.
9:9 For the word of promise is this: “I will return at the proper time. And there shall be a son for Sarah.”
9:10 And she was not alone. For Rebecca also, having conceived by Isaac our father, from one act,
9:11 when the children had not yet been born, and had not yet done anything good or bad (such that the purpose of God might be based on their choice),
9:12 and not because of deeds, but because of a calling, it was said to her: “The elder shall serve the younger.”
9:13 So also it was written: “I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau.”
9:14 What should we say next? Is there unfairness with God? Нека не е така!
9:15 For to Moses he says: “I will pity whomever I pity. And I will offer mercy to whomever I will pity.”
9:16 Следователно, it is not based on those who choose, nor on those who excel, but on God who takes pity.
9:17 For Scripture says to the Pharaoh: “I have raised you up for this purpose, so that I may reveal my power by you, and so that my name may be announced to all the earth.”
9:18 Следователно, he takes pity on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
9:19 И така, you would say to me: “Then why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?”
9:20 О, човече, who are you to question God? How can the thing that has been formed say to the One who formed him: “Why have you made me this way?”
9:21 And does not the potter have the authority over the clay to make, from the same material, наистина, one vessel unto honor, yet truly another unto disgrace?
9:22 What if God, wanting to reveal his wrath and to make his power known, endured, with much patience, vessels deserving wrath, fit to be destroyed,
9:23 so that he might reveal the wealth of his glory, within these vessels of mercy, which he has prepared unto glory?
9:24 And so it is with those of us whom he has also called, not only from among the Jews, but even from among the Gentiles,
9:25 just as he says in Hosea: “I will call those who were not my people, ‘my people,’ and she who was not beloved, ‘beloved,’ and she who had not obtained mercy, ‘one who has obtained mercy.’
9:26 И това ще бъде: in the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they shall be called the sons of the living God.”
9:27 And Isaiah cried out on behalf of Israel: “When the number of the sons of Israel is like the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.
9:28 For he shall complete his word, while abbreviating it out of equity. For the Lord shall accomplish a brief word upon the earth.”
9:29 And it is just as Isaiah predicted: “Unless the Lord of hosts had bequeathed offspring, we would have become like Sodom, and we would have been made similar to Gomorrah.”
9:30 What should we say next? That the Gentiles who did not follow justice have attained justice, even the justice that is of faith.
9:31 И все пак наистина, Israel, though following the law of justice, has not arrived at the law of justice.
9:32 Why is this? Because they did not seek it from faith, but as if it were from works. For they stumbled over a stumbling block,
9:33 точно както е написано: „Ето, I am placing a stumbling block in Zion, and a rock of scandal. But whoever believes in him shall not be confounded.”

римляни 10

10:1 Brothers, certainly the will of my heart, and my prayer to God, is for them unto salvation.
10:2 For I offer testimony to them, that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.
10:3 За, being ignorant of the justice of God, and seeking to establish their own justice, they have not subjected themselves to the justice of God.
10:4 For the end of the law, Христос, is unto justice for all who believe.
10:5 And Moses wrote, about the justice that is of the law, that the man who will have done justice shall live by justice.
10:6 But the justice that is of faith speaks in this way: Do not say in your heart: “Who shall ascend into heaven?” (това е, to bring Christ down);
10:7 “Or who shall descend into the abyss?” (това е, to call back Christ from the dead).
10:8 But what does Scripture say? “The word is near, in your mouth and in your heart.” This is the word of faith, which we are preaching.
10:9 Защото, ако изповядаш с устата си Господ Исус, и ако вярваш в сърцето си, че Бог го е възкресил от мъртвите, ще бъдеш спасен.
10:10 За със сърцето, ние вярваме в справедливостта; но с устата, изповедта е за спасение.
10:11 Защото Писанието казва: „Всички, които вярват в него, няма да се посрамят.“
10:12 Защото няма разлика между евреин и грък. Защото един и същ Господ е над всичко, изобилно във всички, които го призовават.
10:13 Защото всички, които са призували името Господне, ще бъдат спасени.
10:14 Тогава по какъв начин ще го призоват онези, които не са повярвали в него? Или по какъв начин тези, които не са чували за него, ще му повярват? И по какъв начин ще чуят за него, без да проповядват?
10:15 И наистина, по какъв начин ще проповядват, освен ако не са изпратени, точно както е писано: „Колко са красиви нозете на онези, които проповядват мира, на тези, които евангелизират това, което е добро!”
10:16 Но не всички са послушни на Евангелието. Защото Исая казва: „Господи, който е повярвал на нашия доклад?”
10:17 Следователно, вярата е от слушане, и слушането е чрез Словото на Христос.
10:18 Но аз казвам: Не са ли чували? За със сигурност: „Гласът им се разнесе по цялата земя, и думите им до пределите на целия свят.”
10:19 Но аз казвам: Has Israel not known? Първо, Moses says: “I will lead you into a rivalry with those who are not a nation; in the midst of a foolish nation, I will send you into wrath.”
10:20 And Isaiah dares to say: “I was discovered by those who were not seeking me. I appeared openly to those who were not asking about me.”
10:21 Then to Israel he says: “All day long I have stretched out my hands to a people who do not believe and who contradict me.”

римляни 11

11:1 Следователно, I say: Has God driven away his people? Нека не е така! за аз, също, am an Israelite of the offspring of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin.
11:2 God has not driven away his people, whom he foreknew. And do you not know what Scripture says in Elijah, how he calls upon God against Israel?
11:3 „Господи, they have slain your Prophets. They have overturned your altars. And I alone remain, and they are seeking my life.”
11:4 But what is the Divine response to him? “I have retained for myself seven thousand men, who have not bent their knees before Baal.”
11:5 Следователно, in the same way, again in this time, there is a remnant that has been saved in accord with the choice of grace.
11:6 And if it is by grace, then it is not now by works; otherwise grace is no longer free.
11:7 Какво следва? What Israel was seeking, he has not obtained. But the elect have obtained it. И наистина, these others have been blinded,
11:8 точно както е написано: “God has given them a spirit of reluctance: eyes that do not perceive, and ears that do not hear, even until this very day.”
11:9 And David says: “Let their table become like a snare, and a deception, and a scandal, and a retribution for them.
11:10 Let their eyes be obscured, so that they may not see, and so that they may bow down their backs always.”
11:11 Следователно, I say: Have they stumbled in such a way that they should fall? Нека не е така! Вместо, by their offense, salvation is with the Gentiles, so that they may be a rival to them.
11:12 Now if their offense is the riches of the world, and if their diminution is the riches of the Gentiles, how much more is their fullness?
11:13 For I say to you Gentiles: Със сигурност, as long as I am an Apostle to the Gentiles, I will honor my ministry,
11:14 in such a way that I might provoke to rivalry those who are my own flesh, and so that I may save some of them.
11:15 For if their loss is for the reconciliation of the world, what could their return be for, except life out of death?
11:16 For if the first-fruit has been sanctified, so also has the whole. And if the root is holy, so also are the branches.
11:17 And if some of the branches are broken, and if you, being a wild olive branch, are grafted on to them, and you become a partaker of the root and of the fatness of the olive tree,
11:18 do not glorify yourself above the branches. For though you glory, you do not support the root, but the root supports you.
11:19 Следователно, you would say: The branches were broken off, so that I might be grafted on.
11:20 Well enough. They were broken off because of unbelief. But you stand on faith. So do not choose to savor what is exalted, but instead be afraid.
11:21 For if God has not spared the natural branches, perhaps also he might not spare you.
11:22 Така че след това, notice the goodness and the severity of God. Със сигурност, toward those who have fallen, there is severity; but toward you, there is the goodness of God, if you remain in goodness. В противен случай, you also will be cut off.
11:23 освен това, if they do not remain in unbelief, they will be grafted on. For God is able to graft them on again.
11:24 So if you have been cut off from the wild olive tree, which is natural to you, и, contrary to nature, you are grafted on to the good olive tree, how much more shall those who are the natural branches be grafted on to their own olive tree?
11:25 For I do not want you to be ignorant, братя, of this mystery (lest you seem wise only to yourselves) that a certain blindness has occurred in Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has arrived.
11:26 И по този начин, all of Israel may be saved, точно както е написано: “From Zion shall arrive he who delivers, and he shall turn impiety away from Jacob.
11:27 And this will be my covenant for them, when I will take away their sins.”
11:28 Със сигурност, according to the Gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But according to the election, they are most beloved for the sake of the fathers.
11:29 Защото даровете и призивът на Бога са без съжаление.
11:30 И точно както и вие, в минали времена, не вярваше в Бог, но сега си получил милост поради тяхното неверие,
11:31 така и тези сега не вярват, за твоята милост, така че и те да получат милост.
11:32 Защото Бог е затворил всички в неверие, за да се смили над всички.
11:33 о, дълбините на богатството на мъдростта и знанието на Бога! Колко неразбираеми са неговите преценки, и колко неизследими са пътищата Му!
11:34 Защото кой е познал ума Господен? Или кой му е бил съветник?
11:35 Или кой пръв му е дал, така че да се дължи погасяване?
11:36 За от него, и чрез него, и в него са всички неща. За него е слава, за цяла вечност. амин.

римляни 12

12:1 И така, Моля те, братя, by the mercy of God, that you offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, with the subservience of your mind.
12:2 And do not choose to be conformed to this age, but instead choose to be reformed in the newness of your mind, so that you may demonstrate what is the will of God: what is good, and what is well-pleasing, and what is perfect.
12:3 For I say, through the grace that has been given to me, to all who are among you: Taste no more than it is necessary to taste, but taste unto sobriety and just as God has distributed a share of the faith to each one.
12:4 For just as, within one body, we have many parts, though all the parts do not have the same role,
12:5 така и ние, като много, са едно тяло в Христос, и всеки един е част, този на другия.
12:6 И всеки от нас има различни дарби, според благодатта, която ни е дадена: дали пророчество, в съгласие с разумността на вярата;
12:7 или министерство, в служението; или този, който учи, в доктрината;
12:8 който увещава, в увещание; който дава, в простотата; който управлява, в загриженост; този, който показва милост, в бодрост.
12:9 Нека любовта е без фалш: мразейки злото, вкопчване в това, което е добро,
12:10 обичайки се един друг с братско милосърдие, надминавайки се един друг по чест:
12:11 в загриженост, не мързелив; в духа, пламенен; служене на Господ;
12:12 в надежда, ликувайки; в скръб, издръжлив; в молитва, винаги желаещ;
12:13 в трудностите на светиите, споделяне; в гостоприемството, внимателен.
12:14 Благославяйте онези, които ви преследват: благославям, и не ругай.
12:15 Радвайте се с тези, които се радват. Плачете с тези, които плачат.
12:16 Бъдете на едно мнение един към друг: не вкусвайки това, което е възвишено, но съгласни в смирение. Не избирайте да изглеждате мъдри пред себе си.
12:17 Render to no one harm for harm. Provide good things, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men.
12:18 If it is possible, in so far as you are able, be at peace with all men.
12:19 Do not defend yourselves, dearest ones. Вместо, step aside from wrath. Защото е писано: “Vengeance is mine. I shall give retribution, says the Lord.”
12:20 So if an enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. For in doing so, you will heap burning coals upon his head.
12:21 Do not allow evil to prevail, instead prevail over evil by means of goodness.

римляни 13

13:1 Let every soul be subject to higher authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those who have been ordained by God.
13:2 И така, whoever resists authority, resists what has been ordained by God. And those who resist are acquiring damnation for themselves.
13:3 For leaders are not a source of fear to those who work good, but to those who work evil. And would you prefer not to be afraid of authority? Then do what is good, and you shall have praise from them.
13:4 For he is a minister of God for you unto good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid. For it is not without reason that he carries a sword. For he is a minister of God; an avenger to execute wrath upon whomever does evil.
13:5 Поради тази причина, it is necessary to be subject, not solely because of wrath, but also because of conscience.
13:6 Следователно, you must also offer tribute. For they are the ministers of God, serving him in this.
13:7 Следователно, render to all whatever is owed. Taxes, to whom taxes is due; revenue, to whom revenue is due; fear, to whom fear is due; honor, to whom honor is due.
13:8 Не трябва да дължиш нищо на никого, освен за да се обичаме. Защото, който люби ближния си, е изпълнил закона.
13:9 Например: Не прелюбодействай. Няма да убиваш. Няма да крадете. Не лъжесвидетелствайте. Не пожелавай. И ако има друга заповед, това е обобщено в тази дума: Обичай ближния си като себе си.
13:10 Любовта към ближния не вреди. Следователно, любовта е пълнотата на закона.
13:11 И сегашното време го знаем, че сега е часът да станем от сън. Защото вече нашето спасение е по-близо, отколкото когато за първи път повярвахме.
13:12 Нощта отмина, и денят наближава. Следователно, нека отхвърлим делата на тъмнината, и се облечете с бронята на светлината.
13:13 Нека вървим честно, като на дневна светлина, не в пиянство и пиянство, не в разврат и сексуална неморалност, не в спор и завист.
13:14 Вместо, облечете се с Господ Исус Христос, and make no provision for the flesh in its desires.

римляни 14

14:1 But accept those who are weak in faith, without disputing about ideas.
14:2 For one person believes that he may eat all things, but if another is weak, let him eat plants.
14:3 He who eats should not despise him who does not eat. And he who does not eat should not judge him who eats. For God has accepted him.
14:4 Who are you to judge the servant of another? He stands or falls by his own Lord. But he shall stand. For God is able to make him stand.
14:5 For one person discerns one age from the next. But another discerns unto every age. Let each one increase according to his own mind.
14:6 He who understands the age, understands for the Lord. And he who eats, eats for the Lord; for he gives thanks to God. And he who does not eat, does not eat for the Lord, and he gives thanks to God.
14:7 For none of us lives for himself, and none of us dies for himself.
14:8 For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Следователно, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
14:9 For Christ died and rose again for this purpose: that he might be the ruler of both the dead and the living.
14:10 Така че след това, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
14:11 Защото е писано: “As I live, казва Господ, every knee shall bend to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.”
14:12 И така, each one of us shall offer an explanation of himself to God.
14:13 Следователно, we should no longer judge one another. Вместо, judge this to a greater extent: that you should not place an obstacle before your brother, nor lead him astray.
14:14 Знам, with confidence in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in and of itself. But to him who considers anything to be unclean, it is unclean to him.
14:15 For if your brother is grieved because of your food, you are not now walking according to love. Do not allow your food to destroy him for whom Christ died.
14:16 Следователно, what is good for us should not be a cause of blasphemy.
14:17 For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but rather justice and peace and joy, in the Holy Spirit.
14:18 For he who serves Christ in this, pleases God and is proven before men.
14:19 И така, let us pursue the things that are of peace, and let us keep to the things that are for the edification of one another.
14:20 Do not be willing to destroy the work of God because of food. Със сигурност, all things are clean. But there is harm for a man who offends by eating.
14:21 It is good to refrain from eating meat and from drinking wine, and from anything by which your brother is offended, or led astray, or weakened.
14:22 Do you have faith? It belongs to you, so hold it before God. Blessed is he who does not judge himself in that by which he is tested.
14:23 But he who discerns, if he eats, is condemned, because it is not of faith. For all that is not of faith is sin.

римляни 15

15:1 But we who are stronger must bear with the feebleness of the weak, and not so as to please ourselves.
15:2 Each one of you should please his neighbor unto good, for edification.
15:3 For even Christ did not please himself, but as it was written: “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell upon me.”
15:4 For whatever was written, was written to teach us, така че, through patience and the consolation of the Scriptures, we might have hope.
15:5 So may the God of patience and solace grant you to be of one mind toward one another, in accord with Jesus Christ,
15:6 така че, together with one mouth, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15:7 Поради тази причина, accept one another, just as Christ also has accepted you, in the honor of God.
15:8 For I declare that Christ Jesus was the minister of circumcision because of the truth of God, so as to confirm the promises to the fathers,
15:9 and that the Gentiles are to honor God because of his mercy, точно както е написано: “Because of this, I will confess you among the Gentiles, О, Боже, and I will sing to your name.”
15:10 И отново, той казва: “Rejoice, O Gentiles, along with his people.”
15:11 И отново: “All Gentiles, praise the Lord; и всички народи, magnify him.”
15:12 И отново, Isaiah says: “There shall be a root of Jesse, and he shall rise up to rule the Gentiles, and in him the Gentiles shall hope.”
15:13 So may the God of hope fill you with every joy and with peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope and in the virtue of the Holy Spirit.
15:14 But I am also certain about you, my brothers, that you also have been filled with love, completed with all knowledge, so that you are able to admonish one another.
15:15 But I have written to you, братя, more boldly than to the others, as if calling you to mind again, because of the grace which has been given to me from God,
15:16 so that I may be a minister of Christ Jesus among the Gentiles, sanctifying the Gospel of God, in order that the oblation of the Gentiles may be made acceptable and may be sanctified in the Holy Spirit.
15:17 Следователно, I have glory in Christ Jesus before God.
15:18 So I dare not speak of any of those things which Christ does not effect through me, unto the obedience of the Gentiles, in word and deed,
15:19 with the power of signs and wonders, by power of the Holy Spirit. For in this way, from Jerusalem, throughout its surroundings, as far as Illyricum, I have replenished the Gospel of Christ.
15:20 And so I have preached this Gospel, not where Christ was known by name, lest I build upon the foundation of another,
15:21 but just as it was written: “Those to whom he was not announced shall perceive, and those who have not heard shall understand.”
15:22 Поради това също, I was greatly hindered in coming to you, and I have been prevented until the present time.
15:23 Yet truly now, having no other destination in these regions, and having already had a great desire to come to you over the past many years,
15:24 when I begin to set out on my journey to Spain, I hope that, as I pass by, I may see you, and I may be guided from there by you, after first having borne some fruit among you.
15:25 But next I will set out for Jerusalem, to minister to the saints.
15:26 For those of Macedonia and Achaia have decided to make a collection for those of the poor among the saints who are at Jerusalem.
15:27 And this has pleased them, because they are in their debt. За, since the Gentiles have become partakers of their spiritual things, they also ought to minister to them in worldly things.
15:28 Следователно, when I have completed this task, and have consigned to them this fruit, I shall set out, by way of you, to Spain.
15:29 And I know that when I come to you I shall arrive with an abundance of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ.
15:30 Следователно, Моля те, братя, through our Lord Jesus Christ and though the love of the Holy Spirit, that you assist me with your prayers to God on my behalf,
15:31 so that I may be freed from the unfaithful who are in Judea, and so that the oblation of my service may be acceptable to the saints in Jerusalem.
15:32 So may I come to you with joy, through the will of God, and so may I be refreshed with you.
15:33 And may the God of peace be with you all. амин.

римляни 16

16:1 Now I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is in the ministry of the church, which is at Cenchreae,
16:2 so that you may receive her in the Lord with the worthiness of the saints, and so that you may be of assistance to her in whatever task she will have need of you. For she herself has also assisted many, and myself also.
16:3 Greet Prisca and Aquila, my helpers in Christ Jesus,
16:4 who have risked their own necks on behalf of my life, for whom I give thanks, not I alone, but also all the churches of the Gentiles;
16:5 and greet the church at their house. Greet Epaenetus, my beloved, who is among the first-fruits of Asia in Christ.
16:6 Greet Mary, who has labored much among you.
16:7 Greet Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and fellow captives, who are noble among the Apostles, and who were in Christ prior to me.
16:8 Greet Ampliatus, most beloved to me in the Lord.
16:9 Greet Urbanus, our helper in Christ Jesus, and Stachys, my beloved.
16:10 Greet Apelles, who has been tested in Christ.
16:11 Greet those who are from the household of Aristobulus. Greet Herodian, my kinsman. Greet those who are of the household of Narcissus, who are in the Lord.
16:12 Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who labor in the Lord. Greet Persis, most beloved, who has labored much in the Lord.
16:13 Greet Rufus, elect in the Lord, and his mother and mine.
16:14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brothers who are with them.
16:15 Greet Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints who are with them.
16:16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.
16:17 But I beg you, братя, to take note of those who cause dissensions and offenses contrary to the doctrine that you have learned, and to turn away from them.
16:18 For ones such as these do not serve Christ our Lord, but their inner selves, и, through pleasing words and skillful speaking, they seduce the hearts of the innocent.
16:19 But your obedience has been made known in every place. И така, I rejoice in you. But I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple in what is evil.
16:20 And may the God of peace quickly crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
16:21 Тимъти, my fellow laborer, greets you, and Lucius and Jason and Sosipater, my kinsmen.
16:22 аз, Tertius, who wrote this epistle, greet you in the Lord.
16:23 Gaius, my host, and the entire church, greets you. Erastus, the treasurer of the city, greets you, and Quartus, a brother.
16:24 Благодатта на нашия Господ Исус Христос да бъде с всички вас. амин.
16:25 But to him who is able to confirm you according to my Gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, in accord with the revelation of the mystery which has been hidden from time immemorial,
16:26 (which now has been made clear through the Scriptures of the Prophets, in accord with the precept of the eternal God, unto the obedience of faith) which has been made known among all the Gentiles:
16:27 to God, who alone is wise, through Jesus Christ, to him be honor and glory forever and ever. амин.

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