гл 19 Лука

Лука 19

19:1 И като влезе, той мина през Ерихон.
19:2 И ето, имаше един човек на име Закхей. И той беше водач на бирниците, и той беше богат.
19:3 И той поиска да види Исус, да видя кой е той. Но той не успя да го направи, заради тълпата, тъй като беше малък на ръст.
19:4 И бягайки напред, изкачи се на явора, за да може да го види. Защото той трябваше да мине наблизо.
19:5 И когато пристигна на мястото, Исус погледна нагоре и го видя, и той му каза: „Закхей, побързай надолу. За днес, Трябва да отседна в къщата ти.
19:6 И бърза, той слезе, и той го прие с радост.
19:7 И когато всички видяха това, – измърмориха те, казвайки, че се е обърнал към грешен човек.
19:8 Но Закхей, стои неподвижно, каза на Господ: „Ето, Господи, половината от имота си давам на бедните. И ако съм измамил някого по някакъв въпрос, Ще му се отплатя четворно.
19:9 Исус му каза: „Днес, спасението дойде в тази къща; заради това, той също е син на Авраам.
19:10 Защото Човешкият Син дойде да потърси и спаси изгубеното.”
19:11 As they were listening to these things, продължавам нататък, he spoke a parable, because he was nearing Jerusalem, and because they guessed that the kingdom of God might be manifested without delay.
19:12 Следователно, той каза: “A certain man of nobility traveled to a far away region, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.
19:13 And calling his ten servants, he gave them ten pounds, и той им каза: ‘Do business until I return.’
19:14 But his citizens hated him. And so they sent a delegation after him, казвайки, ‘We do not want this one to reign over us.’
19:15 And it happened that he returned, having received the kingdom. And he ordered the servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called so that he would know how much each one had earned by doing business.
19:16 Now the first approached, казвайки: „Господи, your one pound has earned ten pounds.’
19:17 И той му каза: ‘Well done, good servant. Since you have been faithful in a small matter, you will hold authority over ten cities.’
19:18 And the second came, казвайки: „Господи, your one pound has earned five pounds.’
19:19 И той му каза, ‘And so, you shall be over five cities.’
19:20 And another approached, казвайки: „Господи, behold your one pound, which I kept stored in a cloth.
19:21 For I feared you, because you are an austere man. You take up what you did not lay down, and you reap what you did not sow.’
19:22 He said to him: ‘By your own mouth, do I judge you, O wicked servant. You knew that I am an austere man, taking up what I did not lay down, and reaping what I did not sow.
19:23 И така, why did you not give my money to the bank, така че, upon my return, I might have withdrawn it with interest?’
19:24 And he said to the bystanders, ‘Take the pound away from him, and give it to him who has ten pounds.’
19:25 И те му казаха, „Господи, he has ten pounds.’
19:26 Така че след това, казвам ти, that to all who have, it shall be given, and he will have in abundance. And from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.
19:27 ‘Yet truly, as for those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here, and put them to death before me.’ ”
19:28 And having said these things, he went ahead, ascending to Jerusalem.
19:29 И това се случи, when he had drawn near to Bethphage and Bethania, to the mount which is called Olivet, he sent two of his disciples,
19:30 казвайки: “Go into the town which is opposite you. Upon entering it, you will find the colt of a donkey, tied, on which no man has ever sat. Untie it, and lead it here.
19:31 And if anyone will ask you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this to him: ‘Because the Lord has requested its service.’ ”
19:32 And those who were sent went out, and they found the colt standing, just as he told them.
19:33 Тогава, as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?”
19:34 So they said, “Because the Lord has need of it.”
19:35 And they led it to Jesus. And casting their garments on the colt, they helped Jesus onto it.
19:36 Тогава, as he was traveling, they were laying down their garments along the way.
19:37 And when he was now drawing near to the descent of Mount Olivet, the entire crowd of his disciples began to praise God joyfully, with a loud voice, over all the powerful works which they had seen,
19:38 казвайки: “Blessed is the king who has arrived in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory on high!”
19:39 And certain Pharisees within the crowd said to him, „Учител, rebuke your disciples.”
19:40 И той им каза, “I tell you, that if these will keep silent, the stones themselves will cry out.”
19:41 И когато се приближи, разглеждане на града, той плака над това, казвайки:
19:42 „Само да знаеше, наистина дори в този ваш ден, кои неща са за вашето спокойствие. Но сега те са скрити от очите ви.
19:43 Защото дните ще те изпреварят. И враговете ви ще ви обкръжат с долина. И те ще ви заобиколят и ще ви притиснат отвсякъде.
19:44 И ще те повалят на земята, със синовете си, които са във вас. И няма да оставят камък върху камък във вас, защото не познахте часа на вашето посещение.
19:45 И влизане в храма, той започна да изгонва онези, които продаваха в него, и тези, които са купили,
19:46 казвайки им: "Написано е: „Моят дом е дом за молитва.“ Но вие го превърнахте в разбойнически вертеп.“
19:47 И всеки ден поучаваше в храма. И водачите на свещениците, и книжниците, и водачите на народа се опитваха да го унищожат.
19:48 Но не намериха какво да направят с него. Защото всички хора го слушаха внимателно.

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