гл 10 Лука

Лука 10

10:1 Тогава, след тези неща, Господ определи и други седемдесет и двама. И той ги изпрати по двойки пред себе си, във всеки град и място, където трябваше да пристигне.
10:2 И той им каза: „Със сигурност реколтата е страхотна, но работниците са малко. Следователно, молете Господаря на жетвата да изпрати работници на жетвата си.
10:3 Върви напред. Ето, Изпращам ви като агнета между вълци.
10:4 Не избирайте да носите чанта, нито провизии, нито обувки; и да не поздравяваш никого по пътя.
10:5 В каквато и къща да сте влезли, първо кажи, „Мир на тази къща.“
10:6 И ако има син на мира, вашият мир ще почива върху него. Но ако не, ще се върне при вас.
10:7 И да остане в същата къща, ядат и пият нещата, които са с тях. Защото работникът заслужава заплатата си. Не избирайте да минавате от къща на къща.
10:8 И в който град си влязъл и са те приели, яж каквото ти сложат.
10:9 И излекувайте болните, които са на това място, и им провъзгласете, „Божието царство се приближи до вас.“
10:10 But into whatever city you have entered and they have not received you, going out into its main streets, казвам:
10:11 ‘Even the dust which clings to us from your city, we wipe away against you. Yet know this: the kingdom of God has drawn near.’
10:12 казвам ти, that in that day, Sodom will be forgiven more than that city will be.
10:13 Горко ти, Chorazin! Горко ти, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that have been wrought in you, had been wrought in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in haircloth and ashes.
10:14 И все пак наистина, Tyre and Sidon will be forgiven more in the judgment than you will be.
10:15 А що се отнася до вас, Capernaum, who would be exalted even up to Heaven: you shall be submerged into Hell.
10:16 Whoever hears you, hears me. And whoever despises you, despises me. And whoever despises me, despises him who sent me.”
10:17 Then the seventy-two returned with gladness, казвайки, „Господи, even the demons are subject to us, in your name.”
10:18 И той им каза: “I was watching as Satan fell like lightning from heaven.
10:19 Ето, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
10:20 И все пак наистина, do not choose to rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
10:21 In the same hour, he exulted in the Holy Spirit, и той каза: “I confess to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the prudent, and have revealed them to little ones. It is so, Father, because this way was pleasing before you.
10:22 All things have been delivered to me by my Father. And no one knows who the Son is, except the Father, and who the Father is, except the Son, and those to whom the Son has chosen to reveal him.”
10:23 And turning to his disciples, той каза: “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.
10:24 Защото аз ви казвам, that many prophets and kings wanted to see the things that you see, and they did not see them, and to hear the things that you hear, and they did not hear them.”
10:25 И ето, a certain expert in the law rose up, testing him and saying, „Учител, what must I do to possess eternal life?”
10:26 Но той му каза: “What is written in the law? How do you read it?”
10:27 In response, той каза: “You shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart, and from your whole soul, and from all your strength, and from all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
10:28 И той му каза: “You have answered correctly. Do this, and you will live.”
10:29 But since he wanted to justify himself, he said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
10:30 Тогава Исус, taking this up, казах: “A certain man descended from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he happened upon robbers, who now also plundered him. And inflicting him with wounds, they went away, leaving him behind, half-alive.
10:31 And it happened that a certain priest was descending along the same way. And seeing him, he passed by.
10:32 And similarly a Levite, when he was near the place, also saw him, and he passed by.
10:33 But a certain Samaritan, being on a journey, came near him. And seeing him, he was moved by mercy.
10:34 And approaching him, he bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. And setting him on his pack animal, he brought him to an inn, and he took care of him.
10:35 И на другия ден, he took out two denarii, and he gave them to the proprietor, и той каза: ‘Take care of him. And whatever extra you will have spent, I will repay to you at my return.’
10:36 Which of these three, does it seem to you, was a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?”
10:37 Then he said, “The one who acted with mercy toward him.” And Jesus said to him, "Отивам, and act similarly.”
10:38 Сега се случи това, while they were traveling, he entered into a certain town. And a certain woman, named Martha, received him into her home.
10:39 And she had a sister, named Mary, who, while sitting beside the Lord’s feet, was listening to his word.
10:40 Now Martha was continually busying herself with serving. And she stood still and said: „Господи, is it not a concern to you that my sister has left me to serve alone? Следователно, speak to her, so that she may help me.”
10:41 And the Lord responded by saying to her: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled over many things.
10:42 And yet only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the best portion, and it shall not be taken away from her.”

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