ግንቦት 25, 2013, ወንጌል

ወንጌል ቅዱስ ማርቆስ 11: 27-33

11:27 And they went again to Jerusalem. And when he was walking in the temple, የካህናት አለቆች, ጸሐፍትም ናቸው።, and the elders approached him.
11:28 እነርሱም: " እነዚህን በምን ሥልጣን ታደርጋለህ?? And who has given you this authority, so that you would do these things?”
11:29 ግን በምላሹ, ኢየሱስም አላቸው።: “I also will ask you one word, and if you answer me, I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
11:30 የዮሐንስ ጥምቀት: was it from heaven or from men? Answer me.”
11:31 But they discussed it among themselves, እያለ ነው።: " ብንል, ‘ከሰማይ,’ he will say, ‘ታዲያ ለምን አላመናችሁበትም።?”
11:32 If we say, ' ከወንዶች,’ we fear the people. For they all hold that John was a true prophet.”
11:33 እና መልስ መስጠት, they said to Jesus, “We do not know.” And in response, ኢየሱስም አላቸው።, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.”


መልስ አስቀምጥ