Kubvumbi 6, 2015


The Acts of Apostles 2: 14, 22-33

2:14 Asi Petro, ndichisimuka nevanegumi nomumwe, akasimudza inzwi rake, akataura kwavari: “Varume veJudhiya, navose vagere Jerusaremu, izvi ngazvizikamwe kwamuri, uye rerekerai nzeve dzenyu kumashoko angu.
2:22 Varume vaIsraeri, inzwa mashoko aya: Jesu weNazareta murume akasimbiswa naMwari pakati penyu nezvishamiso nezvishamiso nezviratidzo zvakaitwa naMwari pakati penyu kubudikidza naye., sezvamunozivawo imi.
2:23 Murume uyu, pasi pechirongwa chechokwadi nekufanoziva kwaMwari, akaiswa mumaoko avakaipa, kutambudzika, uye kuurayiwa.
2:24 Uye uyo akamutswa naMwari atyora marwadzo eGehena, nokuti zvirokwazvo zvakanga zvisingabviri kuti abatwe nayo.
2:25 Nekuti Dhavhidhi wakataura nezvake: ‘Ndakaona Ishe pamberi pangu nguva dzose, nokuti ari kuruoko rwangu rworudyi, kuti ndirege kuzununguswa.
2:26 Nokuda kwaizvozvi, mwoyo wangu wakafara, uye rurimi rwangu runopembera nomufaro. Uyezve, nyama yanguwo ichazorora mutariro.
2:27 Nokuti hamuzosii mweya wangu muGehena, hamungatenderi Mutsvene wenyu kuti aone kuora.
2:28 Makandizivisa nzira dzeupenyu. muchandizadza chose nomufaro nokuvapo kwenyu.’
2:29 Noble hama, nditenderei kuti nditaure kwamuri pachena pamusoro pateteguru Dhavhidhi: nekuti wakafa akavigwa, uye guva rake riri pakati pedu, nanhasi uno.
2:30 Naizvozvo, akanga ari muprofita, nekuti wakange achiziva kuti Mwari wakange apika mhiko kwaari pamusoro pechibereko chechiuno chake, nezvoUyo aizogara pachigaro chake choumambo.
2:31 Kufanoona izvi, aitaura nezveKumuka kwaKristu. Nekuti haana kusiiwa muGehena, uye nyama yake haina kuona kuora.
2:32 Jesu uyu, Mwari akamuka zvakare, uye isu tose tiri zvapupu zveizvi.
2:33 Naizvozvo, vachisimudzirwa kuruoko rworudyi rwaMwari, uye vagamuchira kubva kuna Baba Chivimbiso cheMweya Mutsvene, akadurura izvi, sezvamunoona nokunzwa zvino.


Evhangeri Dzvene Maererano naMateo 28: 8-15

28:8 And they went out of the tomb quickly, with fear and in great joy, running to announce it to his disciples.
28:9 Uye tarira, Jesus met them, achiti, “Hail.” But they drew near and took hold of his feet, and they adored him.
28:10 Ipapo Jesu akati kwavari: "Usatya. Enda, announce it to my brothers, so that they may go to Galilee. There they shall see me.”
28:11 Vakati vaenda, tarirai, some of the guards went into the city, and they reported to the leaders of the priests all that had happened.
28:12 And gathering together with the elders, having taken counsel, they gave an abundant sum of money to the soldiers,
28:13 achiti: “Say that his disciples arrived at night and stole him away, while we were sleeping.
28:14 And if the procurator hears about this, we will persuade him, and we will protect you.”
28:15 Zvadaro, having accepted the money, they did as they were instructed. And this word has been spread among the Jews, nanhasi.


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