Chivabvu 31, 2014


Mabasa avaApostora 18: 23-28

18:23 Uye akapedza nguva yakareba aripo, akasimuka, uye akafamba achitevedzanisa nyika yeGaratia neFrigia, achisimbisa vadzidzi vose.
18:24 Zvino umwe muJudha wainzi Aporo;, akaberekerwa kuAlexandria, murume aiva nyanzvi pakutaura akanga ane simba muMagwaro, akasvika kuEfeso.
18:25 Akanga akadzidza muNzira yaShe. Uye uchishingaira mumweya, aitaura uye achidzidzisa zvinhu zvaJesu, asi achiziva rubhabhatidzo rwaJohwani chete.
18:26 Uye saka, akatanga kuita akatendeka musinagogi. Prisira naAkwira vakati vamunzwa, vakamutora vakaenda naye parutivi, vakanyatsomutsanangurira nzira yaShe.
18:27 Zvadaro, sezvo akanga achida kuenda kuAkaya, hama dzakanyorera vadzidzi kurayira, kuitira kuti vamugamuchire. Zvino paakasvika, akakurukura nhaurirano zhinji navatendi.
18:28 Nokuti akanga achitsiura vaJudha nehasha uye pachena, nokuratidza kubudikidza neMagwaro kuti Jesu ndiye Kristu.


Vhangeri Dzvene Maererano naJohani 16: 23-28

16:23 Uye, nezuva iroro, you will not petition me for anything. Ameni, ameni, ndinoti kwamuri, if you ask the Father for anything in my name, he will give it to you.
16:24 Until now, you have not requested anything in my name. Bvunza, and you shall receive, so that your joy may be full.
16:25 I have spoken these things to you in proverbs. The hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in proverbs; pachinzvimbo, I will announce to you plainly from the Father.
16:26 Muzuva iroro, you shall ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I will ask the Father for you.
16:27 For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me, and because you have believed that I went forth from God.
16:28 I went forth from the Father, and I have come into the world. Next I am leaving the world, and I am going to the Father.”




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