Gumiguru 1, 2014


The Book of Job 9: 1-12, 14-16

9:1 Uye Jobho, achipindura, akadaro:
9:2 Chokwadi, Ndinoziva kuti zvakadaro, uye kuti munhu haanganzi akarurama kana achienzaniswa naMwari.
9:3 Kana akasarudza kuita nharo naye, Haangagoni kumupindura kamwe pachuru.
9:4 Anonzwisisa pamwoyo uye ane simba guru; akamupikisa asi akava norugare?
9:5 Akafambisa makomo;, uye vaakaparadza nehasha dzake havana kuzviziva.
9:6 Anozungunusa nyika ikabva panzvimbo yayo, uye mbiru dzayo dzinodengenyeka.
9:7 Anorayira zuva rikarega kubuda, uye anodzivira nyeredzi sokunge ari pasi pechisimbiso.
9:8 Iye oga anotambanudza matenga, uye anofamba pamusoro pemafungu egungwa.
9:9 Anogadzira Arcturus, uye Orion, uye Hyades, nechomukati chezasi.
9:10 Anoita zvinhu zvikuru uye zvisinga nzwisisike uye zvinoshamisa, zvisingagoni kuverengwa.
9:11 Kana akandiswededza, Handisi kuzomuona; kana akabva, Ini handisi kuzonzwisisa.
9:12 Kana akangoerekana abvunza, ndiani achamupindura? Kana kuti ndiani angati, “Sei wadaro?”
9:14 ndini zvino, kuti ndimupindure uye nditaure naye mashoko?
9:15 Uye kana ndine kururamisira, Handichapinduri, asi ndichakumbira mutongi wangu.
9:16 Uye kana akanditeerera pandinodana, Handina kutenda kuti akanga anzwa inzwi rangu.


Vhangeri Dzvene Maererano naRuka 9: 57-62

9:57 Uye zvakaitika kuti, as they were walking along the way, someone said to him, “I will follow you, wherever you will go.”
9:58 Jesu akati kwaari: “Foxes have dens, and the birds of the air have nests. But the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.”
9:59 Then he said to another, “Follow me.” But he said, “Ishe, permit me first to go and bury my father.”
9:60 Jesu akati kwaari: “Let the dead bury their dead. But you go and announce the kingdom of God.”
9:61 Mumwe akati: “I will follow you, Ishe. But permit me first to explain this to those of my house.”
9:62 Jesu akati kwaari, “No one who puts his hand to the plow, and then looks back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”


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