Gumiguru 10, 2014

The Letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians 3: 7-14

3:7 Naizvozvo, know that those who are of faith, these are the sons of Abraham.
3:8 Thus Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, foretold to Abraham: “All nations shall be blessed in you.”
3:9 Uye saka, those who are of faith shall be blessed with faithful Abraham.
3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse. Nokuti kwakanyorwa: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all the things that have been written in the book of the Law, so as to do them.”
3:11 Uye, since in the law no one is justified with God, this is manifest: “For the just man lives by faith.”
3:12 But the law is not of faith; pachinzvimbo, “he who does these things shall live by them.”
3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, since he became a curse for us. Nokuti kwakanyorwa: “Cursed is anyone who hangs from a tree.”
3:14 This was so that the blessing of Abraham might reach the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, in order that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Vhangeri Dzvene Maererano naRuka 11: 15-26

11:15 Asi vamwe vavo vakati, “Zvakaitwa naBheerizebhubhi, mutungamiri wamadhimoni, kuti anodzinga madhimoni.”
11:16 Uye vamwe, kumuedza, aida chiratidzo kubva kudenga.
11:17 Asi paakaona pfungwa dzavo, akati kwavari: “Umambo hwose hunozvipesanisa huchaparadzwa, uye imba ichawira pamusoro peimba.
11:18 Saka zvino, kana Satani achizvipesanisa, ushe hwake huchamira sei? Nokuti munoti ndinobudisa madhimoni naBheerizebhubhi.
11:19 Asi kana ndichibudisa madhimoni naBheerizebhuri, vanakomana venyu vanoadzinga nani? Naizvozvo, ivo vachava vatongi venyu.
11:20 Uyezve, kana ndichibudisa madhimoni nomunwe waMwari, naizvozvo ushe hwaMwari hwasvika kwamuri.
11:21 Kana murume ane simba ane zvombo anorinda mukova wake, zvinhu zvaanazvo zviri murugare.
11:22 Asi kana yakasimba, zvichimukurira, akamukunda, achamutorera zvombo zvake zvose, yaaivimba nayo, uye achagovera zvaakapamba.
11:23 Ani nani asineni, anopikisana neni. Uye ani nani asingaungani neni, anoparadzira.
11:24 Kana mweya wetsvina wabuda pamunhu, anofamba nomunzvimbo dzakaoma, kutsvaka kuzorora. Uye kusawana chero, anoti: ‘Ndichadzokera kumba kwangu, kwandakabva.’
11:25 Uye kana asvika, unoiwana yatsvairwa yachena uye yakashongedzwa.
11:26 Anobva aenda, ndokutora pamwe naye mimwe mweya minomwe, akaipa kupfuura iye, uye vanopinda ndokugaramo. Uye saka, kuguma kwomunhu iyeye kwakaipa kuvamba.


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