መጋቢት 6, 2023


ዳንኤል 9: 4-10

9:4 And I prayed to the Lord, አምላኬ, and I confessed, እኔም አልኩት, "እለምንሃለሁ, አቤቱ እግዚአብሔር, great and terrible, preserving the covenant and mercy for those who love you and keep your commandments.
9:5 በድለናል።, በደል ሠርተናል, we acted impiously and have withdrawn, and we have turned aside from your commandments as well as your judgments.
9:6 We have not obeyed your servants, ነቢያት, who have spoken in your name to our kings, our leaders, our fathers, የምድሪቱንም ሰዎች ሁሉ.
9:7 ለ አንተ፣ ለ አንቺ, ጌታ ሆይ, is justice, but to us is confusion of face, just as it is on this day for the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and all Israel, for those who are near and those who are far off, in all the lands to which you have driven them, because of their iniquities by which they have sinned against you.
9:8 ጌታ ሆይ, to us belongs confusion of face: to our kings, our leaders, እና አባቶቻችን, who have sinned.
9:9 But to you, ጌታ አምላካችን, is mercy and atonement, for we have withdrawn from you,
9:10 and we have not listened to the voice of the Lord, አምላካችን, so as to walk in his law, which he established for us by his servants, ነቢያት.


ወንጌል ቅዱስ ሉቃስ 6: 36-38

6:36 ስለዚህ, ምሕረት አድርግ, አባታችሁ መሐሪ እንደ ሆነ እንዲሁ.
6:37 አትፍረድ, እናንተም አይፈረድባችሁም።. አትኮንኑ, አንተም አትወቀስም።. ይቅር በል።, እናንተም ይቅር ትባላላችሁ.
6:38 ስጡ, ለእናንተም ይሰጣችኋል: ጥሩ መለኪያ, ተጭነው በአንድነት ተንቀጠቀጡ እና ሞልተዋል።, ጭንህ ላይ ያስቀምጣሉ።. በእርግጠኝነት, ለመለካት የሚጠቀሙበት ተመሳሳይ መለኪያ, እንደገና ወደ አንተ ለመለካት ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል።