Nyamavhuvhu 30, 2014

The First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians 1: 26-31

1:26 Saka chengetedza basa rako, hama. Nekuti havazi vazhinji vakachenjera panyama;, havazi vazhinji vane simba, havazi vazhinji vanokudzwa.
1:27 Asi Mwari akasarudza mapenzi enyika, kuti anyadzise vakachenjera. Uye Mwari akasarudza vasina simba venyika, kuti anyadzise ane simba.
1:28 Uye Mwari akasarudza vakazvidzwa uye vanozvidzwa panyika, avo vasiri chinhu, kuti ashayise ivo vari chinhu.
1:29 Saka zvino, hakuna chinhu chenyama chingazvikudza pamberi pake.
1:30 Asi imi muri vamwe vake muna Kristu Jesu, uyo akaitwa naMwari kuti ave uchenjeri hwedu nokururamisira noutsvene norudzikinuro.
1:31 Uye saka, nenzira imwe cheteyo, zvakanga zvakanyorwa: “Ani nani anozvikudza, vanofanira kuzvirumbidza munaShe.”

Evhangeri Dzvene Maererano naMateo 25: 14-20

25:14 For it is like a man setting out on a long journey, who called his servants and delivered to them his goods.
25:15 And to one he gave five talents, and to another two, yet to another he gave one, to each according to his own ability. And promptly, akasimuka.
25:16 Then he who had received five talents went out, and he made use of these, and he gained another five.
25:17 Uye zvakafanana, he who had received two gained another two.
25:18 But he who had received one, kubuda, dug into the earth, and he hid the money of his lord.
25:19 Asi chokwadi, mushure menguva refu, the lord of those servants returned and he settled accounts with them.
25:20 And when he who had received five talents approached, he brought another five talents, achiti: ‘Ishe, you delivered five talents to me. Tarirai, I have increased it by another five.’


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