Nyamavhuvhu 31, 2014


Jeremia 20: 7-9

20:7 “You have led me away, O Ishe, and I have been led away. You have been stronger than I, and you have prevailed. I have become a derision all day long; everyone mocks me.

20:8 For I speak now as I have long spoken: crying out against iniquity and proclaiming devastation. And the word of the Lord has been made into a reproach against me and a derision, zuva rose.

20:9 Ndakabva ndati: I will not call him to mind, nor will I speak any longer in his name. And my heart became like a raging fire, enclosed

Kuverenga kwechipiri

vaRoma 12: 1-12

12:1 Uye saka, ndinokukumbira, hama, netsitsi dzaMwari, kuti mupe miviri yenyu sechibayiro chipenyu, mutsvene uye anofadza Mwari, nokuzviisa pasi kwepfungwa dzako.

12:2 Uye usasarudza kuzvienzanisa nezera iri, asi panzvimbo pezvo sarudza kugadziridzwa muutsva hwepfungwa dzako, kuitira kuti mugoratidza chiri kuda kwaMwari: chii chakanaka, uye chii chinofadza kwazvo, uye chii chakakwana.

12:3 Nokuti ndinoti, kubudikidza nenyasha dzandakapiwa, kuna vose vari pakati penyu: Ravira kwete kupfuura zvinodiwa kuravidza, asi muravire mukuzvidzora uye sokugoverwa kwaakaitwa naMwari mukutenda.

12:4 Nokuti sezvakangoita, mukati memuviri mumwe, tine zvikamu zvizhinji, kunyangwe mitezo yese isina basa rakafanana,

12:5 saizvozvo nesuwo, kuva vazhinji, muri muviri mumwe muna Kristu, uye mumwe nomumwe inhengo, mumwe nomumwe.

12:6 Uye isu tose tine zvipo zvakasiyana, maererano nenyasha dzakapiwa kwatiri: kana chiporofita, maererano nokunzwisisa kwokutenda;

12:7 kana ushumiri, mukushumira; kana unodzidzisa, mudzidziso;

12:8 uyo anorayira, mukukurudzira; uyo anopa, mu nyore; uyo anotonga, mukukumbira; unonzwira tsitsi, mukufara.

12:9 Rudo ngaruve pasina nhema: kuvenga zvakaipa, namatirai kune zvakanaka,

12:10 kudanana norudo rwouhama, mupfuvure vamwe pakukudzwa:

12:11 mukukumbira, kwete simbe; mumweya, fervent; muchishumira Ishe;

12:12 mutariro, vachifara; mukutambudzika, kushingirira; mumunyengetero, anogara achida;


Mateu 16: 17-21

16:17 Uye mukupindura, Jesu akati kwaari: “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. Nokuti nyama neropa hazvina kukuzivisa izvi, but my Father, uyo ari kudenga.

16:18 Uye ndinoti kwamuri, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.

16:19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound, even in heaven. And whatever you shall release on earth shall be released, even in heaven.”

16:20 Then he instructed his disciples that they should tell no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

16:21 Kubva panguva iyoyo, Jesus began to reveal to his disciples that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and to suffer much from the elders and the scribes and the leaders of the priests, and to be killed, and to rise again on the third day.


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